The company is hopeful of the launch as the launch crew would have had the needed rest. More importantly the weather gods would be benevolent with 90 per cent chance of favorable conditions and a one-hour launch window available Wednesday morning with launch time target set at 8:25 a.m.
Find out the latest news and updates in the field of science and technology. NASA just Launched 8 Small Satellites to Improve Hurricane Forecasts More details here!
Another supermoon phenomenon will happen this coming December 13, 2016. Prior this year, Supermoon happened last three months ago, now the final supermoon this year will bring beauty in the night's sky.
Cristiano Ronaldo took the world's most prestigious award wanted by every soccer player in the world this year. Could this mark the end of Messi's era?
Study has found lakes, rivers and "moulins" that lead water from the surface to deep below in Antarctica; this quick melting of glaciers could raise water levels and end the continent as we know it.
Signs of Aliens have always been spotted on and off at some parts of the earth, the latest incident captured in Japan clearly shows a round cloud formation which looks to be like a spacecraft.
Mars One mission is a one-way ticket to Mars as 24 carefully chosen and trained astronauts will be starting a community on the red planet and explore life outside the earth.
The last week of UFC had a lot of excitements for the fans, some memorable fights taking place on the stage. A huge number of tickets were sold in Albany and Toronto.
A research team from UC Davis Department of Environmental Toxicology has found that Atlantic killifish can sustain life on an extreme poisonous water condition.
The Larsen C Ice Shelf is growing longer and larger each day and experts estimate that it will completely chip off the main antarctic continent in a month or a year; manmade climate change is to blame.
Fukushima reactor's damage during the 2011 deadly quake reached U.S West Coast, reports say The devastating quake in Japan in 2011 damaged a Fukushima nuclear reactor.
On December 2 and 3, NASA together with European and Italian partners was ecstatic to receive captured images of Saturn's Hexagon-shaped storm as Cassini Probe comes closer to the planet's rings. The second to the last phase of Cassini is expected to see more details and data about Saturn.
The recently held annual diplomatic reception was one of its kind as a rare portrait was released by palace officials with the Queen's approval. The royal portrait shows all their royalties on hand as the event used to be a secret function in the Buckingham Palace.
A 1,000-foot thick ice block rift due to man-made global warming is set to break off anytime affecting sea levels and destroying Antartica's foreland. Experts are bound to investigate the extent it will produce when it happens.