Hawaii lately became a choice hub for scientists. They believe the place to have some rocks similar to what are believed to be on Mars. Is this a sign, then we might soon have visitors from the other planet?
Village of an uncontacted tribe in the Brazilian Amazon was caught in an incredible aerial photo. Experts said the village could be in danger of being wiped out.
Meghan Markle just wrapped up filming for "Suits" Season 6 and Prince Harry got invited by the Antiguan Prime Minister to spend his honeymoon with his actress-girlfriend in their Carribean visit. Find out more here!
As the FCC website reveals, AT&T prepares to launch the newest ZTE smartphone, the ZTE ZMax 3. The new ZTE device already got the FCC certification. FCC doesn't usually announce the various smartphones coming into their system for certification.
Before the Japan earthquake, Argentina was also rocked by 6.4 magnitude quake on Sunday. A 6. 4- earthquake struck San Juan province, western Argentina, according to the US Geological Survey.
A powerful 7.4-magnitude earthquake rocked Japan's Fukushima Prefecture, triggering horrible memories of the 2011 tsunami that killed more than 20,000 people.
Tom Cruise has quit his secret relationship with lesbian porn star, Jennifer Hammon. Hollywood actor Tom Cruise was forced to end his secret relationship with lesbian porn star Jennifer Hammon after his Scientologist church leader compelled him to quit on her.
A study of more than 2,000 young and healthy adults shows that those with the highest levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in their blood have the lowest blood pressure.
US Senator Bernie Sanders expressed criticisms on some issues regarding Trump's promises. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont said two things about Donald J.
A college institution had its scientists create a USB stick that could perform an HIV test. It has its potential to identify if a patient has an HIV virus in the blood. The device just simple needed a drop of blood and once it penetrated to the spot of the USB, it would then feeds data to a computer or a mobile phone, before 30 minutes end, it would provide a result with 95 percent accuracy.
In U.S., the blood center and the hospitals has been mandated to conduct a blood screening of the blood donations. However, this mandate was not funded by the government. Thus, the center found it extremely expensive and extremely painful to have the blood screened. This has been done to be ready of the plague of the Zika virus.
The leak has shown some major changes, product will launch in CES, 2017 The pricing and specifications has been leaked of NVidia GeForce GTX 1080. As per reports, this latest leak originates from China where viably the greater part of NVidia's channel accomplices make their graphic cards.