British bank HSBC apparently did not see the humor in an Instagram video that shows six of its employees staging an ISIS-style "mock beheading." The institution called the footage "abhorrent," and all workers involved in the incident have been let go.
Today, Pope Francis leads the world's estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics and serves as absolute monarch of the Vatican City State. But when the pontiff was still known as Jorge Bergoglio, his fame was largely due to the tasty barbecue he prepared for his fellow seminarians.
A Mexican navy Black Hawk helicopter was attacked during a shootout on Sunday. Gang members opened fire on the military chopper in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas.
As the United States and Cuba are renewing their relationship with the opening of embassies in their respective countries. American businesses are taking advantage of the improved relations.
Embattled Venezuelan President Nicoás Maduro on Monday upped the ante in a rekindled border dispute with Guyana and recalled his country's ambassador in Georgetown, the neighboring country's capital.
Scientists have presented findings that they claim are evidence of alien life on the Philae comet. When the European Space Agency (ESA) successfully landed their first lander on the Philae comet last November, they had no idea what to expect.
Colombia's peace talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have reached one of its lowest points as the rebel group continues to carry out violent attacks.
On Friday the 88-year-old former communist revolutionary, who had retreated from his position due to illness, appeared in public for the first time in more than a month to meet with cheese masters at the Food Industry Research Institute in the capital city of Havana.
According to new poll released by a nonpartisan research firm Gravis Marketing, right now it looks like the top candidates favored to go head to head will be former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush.
At least 12 civilians were killed and at least 25 wounded when an Iraqi fighter jet accidentally dropped a bomb over Baghdad on Monday. Three children and two women were among the fatalities.
More than a million faithful are expected to attend the Mass Pope Francis is set to celebrate in the Ecuadorean port city of Guayaquil on Monday. The service will mark the key event of the pontiff's "relatively easy" first full day in the South American country.
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has unveiled the eco-friendly and stylish new Olympic torch which will be used at the 2016 Olympics taking place in Rio de Janeiro.
The communist island country, that is currently experiencing a thaw in relations between the U.S. for the first time in over fifty years, has just opened 35 Wi-Fi access points across the nation.