
Petrobras Scandal Update: Brazil's Petrobras Investigation Leads to Major Arrests of Two Industry Leaders

The investigation into the Petrobras oil scandal has resulted in the arrests of two major Brazilian businessmen.

Mexico Investigates Journalist Murdered in Tabasco

On Thursday a Mexican journalist named Ismael Diaz Lopez was stabbed to death in the chest in Teapa, a municipality in the state of Tabasco.

US-Cuba Relations News: Cuban Human Rights Group Says 60 Political Prisoners Are Still Behind Bars

According to the The Cuban Commission for Human Rights and Reconciliation, there are currently 60 political prisoners jailed in the communist country and 11 people under some form of parole

Francis' Climate Change Encyclical Draws Mixed Reactions

Pope Francis' long-awaited encyclical "Laudato Si'," in which the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics warned that climate change had brought the planet to a "breaking point" and called for an environmental "revolution," has received mixed reactions across the American political landscape.

Danilo Medina Re-Election: Dominican President May Run for Second Term Amid Impending Mass Deportations

Dominican President Danilo Medina has stated that he is open to the idea of running for re-election.

Guatemalan Court Stops Effort to Strip President's Immunity

On Thursday Guatemala's constitutional court decided to, for the time being, block this effort to take way President Otto Perez Molina immunity.

Pope Francis Calls for Climate Change 'Revolution' in Encyclical

In a long-awaited encyclical, Pope Francis on Thursday called for a "revolution" on climate change, a threat the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics warned had brought the planet to the verge of a perilous "breaking point."

Prince Harry Hosts First Lady Michelle Obama, Daughters for Tea

Prince Harry, the younger son of Prince Charles and fifth in line to the British throne, on Tuesday welcomed Michelle Obama for tea at Kensington Palace as the first lady embarked on the first leg of her week-long European tour.

Cuba News: Island Expanding Wi-Fi Access, Lowering Costs

Cuba will soon be increasing its currently limited internet access by adding Wi-Fi capacity to dozens of state-run Internet centers.

Cuba Will Call for End of Puerto Rico's 'Colonial Status' At UN

The recent rapprochement between Washington and Havana did not keep the Cuban diplomats at the United Nations from demanding "self-determination and independence" for the people of Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory.

Spanish Princess Cristina Forced To Sell Home After Indicted On Tax Fraud, Faces 2.7 Million Euro Fine

The Infanta Cristina and her husband are forced to sell home to cover the cost of bail while awaiting corruption trial.

Bebeche: A 15 Year-Old Argentine Boy Has 36 Criminal Charges

Youth in Argentina, like Bebeche, get away with a variety of crimes because of its laws of criminal responsibility.

Denis Martin Death: Race Car Driver Killed In Car Accident, Was Reportedly Going 113 MPH

Motor sports fans mourn the death of the sports newest champion, Denis Martin. Race car driver Denis Martin was killed on Wednesday after a car accident on National Route 5 while on his way to Buenos Aires.

US Airstrike in Yemen Kills al-Qaida No. 2 Nasir al-Wahishi, al-Qaida Retaliates

Nasir al-Wahishi, al-Qaida's second in command, was killed in a U.S. airstrike earlier this month, the White House confirmed on Tuesday, according to the Associated Press.

Argentina News: Catcalling May Be a Criminal Offense Punishable by $775 Fine

Argentine lawmakers are currently taking under consideration a bill that would make catcalling a criminal offense.

Ontario Teen Killed After Tracking Down Lost Smartphone

The London, Ontario teen's murder may cause you to think twice about tracking down a lost smartphone.

Selfie Craze Hits an All-time High in Mexico But Selfie Stick Creator Is Leery of the Frenzy

We have all been subjected to the infamous Kardashians who have mastered their selfies with their puckered lips and over-the-top outfits; we've seen "San Andreas" star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson set a record for taking 105 selfies within three minutes, and more recently we've seen Mexico attempt to take the world's largest selfie.While reality TV and Hollywood stars and Mexicans (among others selfie enthusiasts around the world) have become obsessed with this craze, not everyone is on board, including "the father of selfie sticks," Wayne Fromm.

Guadalajara Gains Reputation as Mexican 'Silicon Valley'

Guadalajara, home to 1.5 million people and the largest city in the state of Jalisco, is increasingly gaining a reputation as "Mexico's Silicon Valley," local and international business publications said.

Pope to Call for Action on Climate Change, Leaked Encyclical Reveals

Pope Francis will call on governments to curtail the use of fossil fuels use and on people around the globe to alter their lifestyles in order to avoid "unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem," Vox reported based on the leaked first draft of an encyclical the pontiff is set to publish on Thursday.

Dominicans of Haitian Descent Are Desperate to Secure Residency Before Possible Mass Deportations

For many Dominicans of Haitian background the time to be considered a legal resident of the Dominican Republic is about to run out.
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