Cuba is being celebrated for their latest groundbreaking advancement in health and science. According to the World Health Organization, Cuba is the first nation in the world to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis.
When tensions flared up between Venezuela and Colombia in 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised the late leader Hugo Chávez his support in case the South American neighbors went to war, according to a new book.
A third company has announced that it is cutting ties with 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump following his recent anti-immigration comments about Mexican immigrants.
In Liberia, a west African country that declared itself free of Ebola seven weeks ago, a 17-year-old male in the city of Nidonwin was found dead from the virus.
Hours before Greece was supposed to repay € 1.6 billion to the International Monetary Fund, the southeastern European country has asked for a new bailout deal from the eurozone, requesting a two-year € 29.1 billion aid deal from a bailout mechanism set up for eurozone nations.
ISIS terrorists have beheaded two women and a man whom they accused of "sorcery," Reuters said based on reports by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The incident marks the first time the terror group, which controls large swaths of territory across Syria and Iraq, has decapitated female civilians.
Investigators on the case say that Mexico has yet to respond to a request to interview soldiers over the disappearance of the students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos Rural Teachers' College a full three months after the request was made.
Iran has made it to an all important meeting in Vienna, with representatives of world powers, where it will discuss plans for its current nuclear program.
According to a new study published by Instituto Cervantes there are 41 million native Spanish speakers in the US, as well as a 11.6 million who are bilingual.
A Chinese company is inching closer to building a 170-mile canal across Nicaragua, from the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean Sea - a massive project that raises all kinds of practical, environmental and geopolitical questions.
Pope Francis has allegedly asked to participate in the traditional chewing of coca leaves, which have been for thousands of years been used in the Andes as a mild, medicinal stimulant, and since the late Victorian era as the raw source for cocaine.
On Saturday, three U.S. senators on a trip to Cuba expressed their hope that Congress would soon support President Barack Obama's plans to ease relations with with Cuba, which for many people means the lifting of the travel ban.
Displaying his best attempt at the time-honored political skill of backtracking, speaking with CNN's Jake Tapper on Sunday, Trump insisted, "I like Mexico. I love the Mexican people" -- before dismissing the country again and expanding his polemic to include China.
Amid widespread fears of mass deportation, the Dominican Republic announced on Friday that it had certified the nationality of around 55,000 people whose citizenship was in question.
Following the U.S. Supreme Court's historic decision approving marriage equality throughout the U.S. and all its territories, the government of Puerto Rico has moved quickly to acquiesce to the court's decision, approving marriage equality in the island.