"Monster Hunter XX" is the latest installment in the popular "Monster Hunter" franchise by Capcom. The game is set to be released for the Nintendo 3DS on March 18, 2017 in Japan. Two new trailers have been released and it involves two new features that gamers should watch out for.

"Monster Hunter XX" will involve "Renkin" style, a type of hunting technique by invoking items inside of what is called an Alchemy Barrel. The items through the Renkin technique could prove useful in the game. These Alchemy Items can be used to heal or increase stamina, Siliconera reported.

In order to use in battles in "Monster Hunter XX," the Alchemy Barrel must be selected from the player's item menu instead of the item pouch which can be used to create up to five items. The items that can be used using the Renkin technique include food to increase stamina, earplug, bottle for bows, whetstone to increase hunting gauge, immunizer to increase HP, sonic bomb, bazooka, spirit ball, medicine and more.

Apart from the new gameplay technique, "Monster Hunter XX" will also have a G-rank difficulty which turns monsters into insanely difficult enemies as they take bigger damage, have longer lives and sometimes have new moves.

Moreover, "Monster Hunter XX" will have new Deviant and returning monsters including Blue Lighting Master Astalos, Hellblade Glavenus, Ouma Diablos, Heavenly Eye Mizutsune, and Silverspeak Gammoth that will surely challenge gamers when it releases, Mobile n Apps reported. More information regarding "Monster Hunter XX" will be released next year on January 12 on the latest release of Famitsu Magazine.

Watch the two new trailers for "Monster Hunter XX" below:

Do you think the upcoming "Monster Hunter XX" game on 3DS will have a Western release soon? Let us know what you think in the comments below.