In the latest episode of "Sesame Street," a new muppet called Julia was introduced. The character has appeared first in the books of the franchise but this week marks her debut as the first muppet on the autism spectrum.

Julia was introduced on "Sesame Street" on the show's episode this week called "Meet Julia." She was seen playing with Elmo and other friends. Big Bird first interacted with the autistic muppet and was baffled by her inability to respond.

CBS News reports that the team behind the show did their research on how to best represent Julia and the autism spectrum. The "Sesame Street" show hopes that Julia can help young kids and their parents understand about autism and how they interact.

The "Sesame Street" host, Alan Muraoka told Big Bird that Julia is special and she doesn't interact like average children. The host then explained Julia's condition and why children with autism will act a certain way.

Another muppet, Abby Cadabby also explains that while Julia may have autism, she is okay and knows how to have fun In the latest "Sesame Street" episode, Elmo adds that the autistic muppet loves to be surrounded by her friends and play with them too. After a few explanations about autism, Julia pays tag with her friends. Big Bird then decides to want to be friends with Julia as well.

According to ABC News, 1 in about 60 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that people with autism interact differently with people who don't have the condition. This includes behaving, interacting and learning. By introducing Julia in "Sesame Street," impressionable young fans can get an idea of how to interact with children like her.

What are your thoughts of Julia joining the "Sesame Street" gang? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.