This year at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Intel made a historic pledge to reach full representation of minorities in its company in the next five years, better known as #Parity2020.
Google created a new umbrella company to oversee its renowned Internet business along with every company that the tech giant has ever created or acquired.
Following the first Republican presidential debate, real estate businessman Donald Trump appears to have the support of the small business industry based on a post-debate survey.
Across Silicon Valley, diversity has been hailed as one of the tech industry's greatest problems. Facebook, for example, has publically acknowledged its struggles with gaining a diverse employee base. But diversity isn't quite the same challenge for one Bay Area-based tech company: Yelp.
The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) recently announced a plan that will help small business owners and entrepreneurs apply for financial support and capital assistance.
Much more content will be offered from NFL games Twitter will start displaying much more content from NFL games, including highlights and news thanks to a new two-year deal signed by the two companies Monday, CNET reports.
A major shift is happening in the wireless industry. Expect changes to the plans on offer, a protracted price war, and the iPhone to no longer "cost" only $200.
No more discounted phones in exchange for yearly contracts Verizon is ending its yearly service contracts for its wireless phone business. Because of this, high-priced smartphones will have to be purchased in monthly installments or purchased outright, CNET reports.
A suit filed against the New York Times and its chief revenue officer Meredith Levien alleges that when Levien started to downsize employees in 2013 she did so by targeting older and minority employees for dismissal.
This week in social media, former CEO of Twitter Dick Costolo will reportedly be stepping down from his position on Twitter's board of directors. Meanwhile, Snapchat is becoming the newest battlefront for political discussion by design, and Facebook was the true winner of the first GOP debate.
New phablet-sized phones are coming from Samsung Samsung will use its Unpacked event to introduce new smartphones with large screens. At the event, the Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ are both expected to be showcased to the public, CNET reports.
Apple Music has 11 million users now trialing the streaming service, just over a month after its debut. But Apple wants these users and many more to become paid subscribers.
Apple plans to fix security risk with patch A security issue was discovered in July on Apple's Mac OS X computers that could allow hackers to have open access to the entire operating system.
Intel is increasing their referral bonus to encourage minorities, women and veterans to work at the company. Qualified referrals of these groups will give current employees a bonus of up to $4,000.
Acer is offering cheap laptops that are cloud-enabled, just like Google's Chromebooks. Instead of running the Chrome operating system, Acer Cloudbooks will run Windows 10.
Xbox One showed off its upcoming plans Xbox One was at Gamescom 2015 in Cologne, Germany, Tuesday to preview its upcoming games, features and news. The live video stream was available Tuesday morning to users around the world to learn about what Xbox One has on tap for the near future.
Mozilla finds it unfair Microsoft is making their own Edge browser the default Internet browser for Windows 10. Mozilla's CEO wants the public to know about it by sending a letter to Microsoft.