It looks like the Black Friday shopping frenzy may be losing its luster. It looks like the Black Friday shopping frenzy may be losing its luster. According to the National Retail Federation, early figures show that the number of Black Friday sales dropped 11 percent both in stores and on the web over the Thanksgiving weekend to $50.
The holiday shopping season is in full swing, and many Cyber Monday deals on gadgets are slashing prices on all sorts of hot-ticket technology. Many Christmas lists feature wireless speakers, so retailers are marking down prices.
Following the results of the Keystone XL pipeline vote in Congress, Louisiana's U.S. Senate race could end in the hands of Republican challenger Rep. Bill Cassidy.
President Barack Obama's immigration reform executive action has paved the way for undocumented immigrants to be eligible for Medicare and Social Security benefits, the White House has confirmed.
This week in social media was all about mobile growth and potential, as a new report shows how the major social media networks currently stack up against each other. Big surprise: Facebook is doing fine. But Tumblr and Pinterest both showed amazing growth, too.
As shoppers all over the country stormed store doors early Friday morning, another group lined up with banners and signs, chanting. These are Wal-Mart employees, demanding higher wages from the world’s largest retailer and the nation’s largest retail employer. Many are taking to social media with #WalmartStrikers to show their protests.
Ride-sharing service Uber has ceased all operations in Nevada as of Wednesday after it was revealed that it was bending the state's transportation laws for a month. The company vowed that it would resume its car services once it found a way to legally operate in the state.
Now that you have stuffed yourself and sat around with friends and family feeling grateful that you could veg out, watch a parade and debate on what’s going on with those Peter Pan promos, it might just be the perfect time to move around and get some exercise. There is always an excuse for putting working out off, but if you already plan on doing some Black Friday shopping, you might be able to maximize the savings and justify your spending by getting in on some great deals on exercise equipment.
Now that Thanksgiving is over, Americans all over the country will be going shopping to take advantageof Black Friday deals. Though some hardcore shoppers gave up their Thanksgiving in exchange for waiting in line for stores to open Thursday afternoon, others will go shopping on Black Friday proper. On Friday, Wal-Mart has deals all day for both shoppers who will leave their home now and those who do not not want to leave at all.
Black Friday is here, and as you are waiting in line to see 80 seconds of the new Star Wars trailer, it may occur to you that a brand new tablet just might make everything go a little smoother. Right now there is obviously a lot of options for discounts.
While shopping Black Friday 2014, take advantage of discounted snow removal equipmentThe holiday season means shopping, cooking and baking, celebration and winter storms. If you live in the northeast, you have already dealt with your share of snow removal following a winter storm just before the Thanksgiving holiday. While a shovel-in-hand can get the job of snow removal done, it can also lead to back pain and exhaustion. So, treat yourself or a loved one to a snow blower this Black Friday as there are plenty of great deals to be had on snow removal equipment..
Celebrities are calling for consumers to boycott shopping on Black Friday in protest of the grand jury decision that cleared Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson of any charges in the shooting death of an unarmed teenager.
The scene was almost surreal. On the evening of Thanksgiving, just after when most people are done eating dinner, picture a massive traffic jam -- in a parking lot. In Green Bay, Wisconsin, the Best Buy parking lot was packed full of shoppers eager to get a deal.
The first full week of the second open enrollment period of, the federal health insurance marketplace, had a "solid" start, according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell.