
Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Cast, News, and Update: Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson Get Close, José Rodriguez Makes Appearance

WARNING: This article contains spoilers for the Fifty Shades of Grey novel and the Fifty Shades of Grey movie adaptation. Fifty Shades of Grey started production this month, and we have the scoop on which of your favorite parts from E.L. James' novel have already been filmed for the big screen.

Alex & Sierra Win 'X Factor,' But Contestant Carlito Olivero, Pitbull, Demi Lovato & Paulina Rubio Brought the Latin Flair

The adorable singing duo and real-life couple, Alex & Sierra were crowned the winners of "X Factor" season three of the Fox competition, but Latino contestant Carlito Olivero, artist Pitbull and "X-Factor judges Demi Lovato and Paulina Rubio brought the Latin flair to the show.

Sons of Anarchy Season 6 Review: Biggest Moments and Shocking Discoveries

Mistakenly thinking that Tara ratted out Jax and the rest of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club pushes Gemma gets over the edge.

Pirates of the Caribbean 5 Release Date, Cast & News Update: Top 5 Facts About the Upcoming Sequel

Top 5 Fast Facts on the upcoming 5th installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean Many fans have become antsy with the news of the delay in the release of the fifth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

Ellen DeGeneres Show Death: Man Dies During Vacation Won on the Show

Cherilyn McGraw, a special education teacher was more than excited when she won a trip to Australia on the Ellen DeGeneres show back in January 2013. What happened during the vacation was unimaginable and truly terrible.

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony Lawsuit: Sued for $25 Million Over Allegedly Stealing Idea for Q'Viva

Latin superstars Jennifer Lopez and ex-husband Marc Anthony are being sued over their reality show "Q'Viva! The Chosen". John Jacobs has filed a lawsuit in New York for $25 million claiming that J.Lo and Marc stole his idea for the show.

Top 10 T.V. Series Returns and Cancellations for 2014: The Blacklist is In, Nashville on the Fence

Every year TV stations order a bunch of pilots. Every year TV stations order a bunch of pilots. Many shows are cancelled after the first season, but a selected few become major hits.

Michael Jordan Wife Pregnant: Yvette Prieto Expecting Twins

After Michael Jordan and Yvette Prieto announced on Nov. 30 that they were expecting a little bundle of joy, a new report reveals that the couple are actually having identical twin girls.

Megyn Kelly New Show Sparks Santa Claus Race Debate: Colbert Defends Her, American Poll Shows Three-Way Tie

People generally agree that the colors of Christmas are red and green, but what color is Santa Claus? The race of Santa Claus has recently become the talk of the town with everyone from suburban teachers, Megyn Kelly, Steven Colbert and everyday Americans picking a color.

'Bachelor' Juan Pablo Galavis to Sizzle as the First Latino in the Reality TV Show's History

In the wake of Britney Spears' recent comments about Latino men -re-enforcing the Latin-lover stereotype and bad-boy image- her reaction wasn't that far off (but her attempt to mock Spanish was). The pop star's attraction towards Latinos parallels the excitement women are having around the country as ABC's "The Bachelor" gears up for its 18th season, featuring the first Latino Bachelor in the popular reality TV show's history.

Xbox Live T.V. Series: E.T. Atari Video Game Dump Chronicled in First Show

Microsoft's Xbox Entertainment Studios is beginning production on its first Xbox television series. The show will not surprisingly be about a video game. More surprising perhaps, is that this video game became popular not because it had great graphics but because it made a great amount of garbage.

Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner Fight: Kendall Jenner Nipple Pic Fuels Mother Daughter Feud

Another day, another bit of drama for the Kardashian clan (klan?). This time, reports are surfacing that Kim Kardashian and mom, Kris Jenner, have come to blows over the so-called "nipple pic" of younger sister Kendall Jenner.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Release Date, Cast, and Trailer: Gary Oldman Jason Clarke, and Keri Russell Set to Star [VIDEO]

Every few years, Hollywood feels the need to remake a few classic movies and re-serve them to the new generation. This time, they've decided to rework "Planet of the Apes" for the umpteenth or so time (the last time, the movie starred Mark Wahlberg)...and the results are pretty amazing!

Demi Lovato Rumors, News, and Update 2013: Neon Lights Singer to Leave X Factor to Focus on Music Career

Simon Cowell wasn't kidding when he said that "The X-Factor" would experience shakeups: it's just been announced that judge Demi Lovato has decided to leave the show to focus on her musical career!

Justin Bieber News, Rumors, and Update: Partying Pop Star Forced to Move Out of His Calabasas Neighborhood

Calabasas, Califor. is a town known for it's famous residents. Britney Spears lives there with her kids and so do the Kardashians. But Calabasas is a family town, where residents go to get away from the craziness of Hollywood life. That peace ended when 19-year old superstar Justin Bieber moved in.

Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson Gay Comments: Suspended by A&E After Homophobic Remarks

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson has been suspended from the show indefinitely after making homophobic comments that set the blogs on fire yesterday.

Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson Suspension: Sarah Palin and Governor Bobby Jindal Defend Homophobic Remarks

Phil Robertson has many "Duck Dynasty" fans, gay rights activists and even A&E in an uproar, but he still has people on his side. Politicians Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal have stepped up to support Robertson's decision to make what some consider offensive homophobic statements in a recent interview with GQ.

The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Release Date and Cast: Margot Robbie Calls Sex with Leonardo DiCaprio "Comical"

Actress Margot Robbie lived most women's dreams recently when she got up close and personal with Leonardo DiCaprio while filming The Wolf of Wall Street. The verdict? Sex with Leo is not as romantic as on screen as it is in fantasies.

Miley Cyrus and Kellan Lutz Dating: The Two Share a Jet Ride Together

On Barbara Walter's "Most Fascinating People of 2013" Miley Cyrus, who was of course part of the list, mentioned that she would like to find a new man. She made it pretty clear that she's over her relationship with Liam Hemsworth and that she is open to meeting new people. Now...we are just reporting how generous Miley is by allowing Kellan Lutz a ride on her private jet. Hey, maybe they were simply going to the same place, can the man hitch a ride?

Khloe Kardashian Lamar Odom Divorce 2013: Khloe Says Split with NBA Star is "Torture to My Soul"

The "Keeping up with The Kardashian's" star is over it and has finally broken her silence. "This, in and of itself, is heartbreaking and torture to my soul. Please, I don't need extra rumors and BS right now", Khloe tweeted.
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