Over 2 million cases across the globe are affecting communities and systems, but the most susceptible and vulnerable to the disease and its death are low-income families.
Con toda la atención dirigida al creciente desarrollo de la pandemia del COVID-19, los funcionarios del gobierno predicen que podría durar meses. Con la economía en cuestión, muchas empresas no están seguras de su futuro, especialmente en lo que respecta a las obligaciones contractuales. ¿Cómo pueden las empresas cumplir mejor sus obligaciones bajo un contrato? Para responder a esta pregunta, los líderes empresariales deben abordar cualquier cláusula de fuerza mayor relacionada con sus obligaciones contractuales.
Keep your house virus-free with these four powerful cleaning agents. With the new coronavirus crisis sweeping across multiple nations around the globe, disinfectant solutions have become an item of luxury, primarily due to a shortage in supply in markets.
Netflix recently released a very timely trailer of their new topical series, Coronavirus: Explained. The documentary will explore the 2020 health crisis that forever changed the world.
Much to everyone’s chagrin, it does not seem as though the pandemic is going to end anytime soon. More hospitals are becoming crowded, showing that the city will not be able to handle the influx of patients at the height of the pandemic, which is fast approaching.
Pandemics have ravaged society throughout history. The diseases changed the course of human life; at times, it completely eradicated an entire civilization. Here are the nine pandemics worse than COVID-19.
How does HIV affect the patients’ battle against COVID-19? Mexico's Deputy Minister of Health Hugo López-Gatell admitted in a recent report that HIV represents an additional challenge in the battle against COVID-19 because half the people who have the human immunodeficiency virus are unaware of it.
Health workers demand administrators and management to take their concerns seriously. Inadequate equipment, poor leadership, and increased risk are all driving doctors and nurses to the streets to make their pleas be heard.
There is a lot of information about the COVID-19 circulating the media. Here are some answers to FAQs that you need to know to keep you and your family safe from contracting the deadly virus.
Amid the crisis hospitals are facing where they need to reduce costs by furloughing their medical staff for expenditure, Mexico City has launched a campaign.
South Korea grapples with the complications that came with the discovery of the coronavirus as a disease that can easily “reactivate”. The pattern of reactivation could be similar to that of chickenpox, but unlike the latter, contracting coronavirus does not grant the patient immunity.
With the Golden State showing encouraging signs in flattening the coronavirus curve, California Governor Gavin Newsom gave some insight into his plans to reopen the state's economy soon.
As the world fights the pandemic for months on end, experts from the Mexican Society of Emergency Medicine predict that, with the lack of medical supplies and the weakening medical workforce, Mexico may be overwhelmed into phase 3 of the coronavirus outbreak.