Find out how a patient with severe COVID-19 dies from their body fluid. (Photo : Wikimedia) The COVID-19 emerged at the end of 2019 when a cluster of pneumonia cases with undetermined causes was reported.
Find out here if the hantavirus has the possibility of causing another virus pandemic. (Photo : Wikipedia) On Monday, a Chinese man was reported to have died.
The World Health Organization has released a warning saying the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating after cases hit 300,000 four days after it hit its second hundred.
Food is an indispensable part of our lives. We use it to acknowledge milestones and to celebrate. It nourishes us and brings us together. Since food is such a part of life, it can be a bit daunting to undergo drastic dietary changes whether they are voluntary or a necessity. There are a plethora of reasons that affect an individual's dietary choices. Some of the most common ones include:
Study shows that COVID-19 stays inside the body for quite some time before it gets worse. (Photo : Reuters) Physicians and other medical professionals around the globe are treating patients who are diagnosed with COVID-19.
There are currently 65 confirmed cases of coronavirus in New Mexico as of March 22. (Photo : Reuters) Fourteen new cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in New Mexico and two highschool students and staff in Albuquerque are under self-quarantine.
The Food and Drug Administration provides emergency authorization on the test kit from Cepheid Inc. (Photo : Reuters) In a recent press release by the FDA, they confirmed the approval of a test kit that provides results in hours instead of days.
Find out here about the symptoms of the COVID-19 asymptomatic patients. (Photo : Wikimedia) The COVID-19 is already a pandemic. It is causing health and economic problems to different nations of the world.
The Food and Drug Administrationis looking into the possibility of using blood plasma from recovered patients as a treatment for the 2019 coronavirus disease.
In fighting Coronavirus, New Mexico has faced struggles keeping up with the demand. (Photo : Health. mil) Due to the widespread spread of Coronavirus, United States health workers are expecting the virus to reach some of the remote rural areas such as New Mexico and other impoverished areas.
Myths surrounding the COVD-19 infection and how to withstand a lockdown. (Photo : Reuters) The statement by the WHO has intensified pressure on authorities to speed up their efforts, prompting preparations for emergency action and upgrading life all over the world.
According to the experts, three vaccines for Coronavirus will soon to be available for the public. (Photo : Flickr) As the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases increase, developing a vaccine that fights the virus becomes the top priority of all public health officials.
Experts are divided. (Photo : Flickr) A French public health official sparked alarm among many after tweeting a warning against using ibuprofen on coronavirus patients.