
What Makes Coffee the Best Beverage for Your Health?

Why do people say that drinking coffee gives them a kick-start to their day? According to health experts, caffeine in coffee mixes in your bloodstream to boost your energy. Compared to other beverages, coffee is the only drink that satisfies your body's caffeine cravings, keeping you energetic for long periods.
Unsafe water could make Latin America’s shanty towns an epicenter of COVID-19

Unsafe Water Could make Latin America’s Shanty Towns an Epicenter of COVID-19

A grim consensus among public health experts seems to be taking shape around Latin America's impending COVID-19 crisis. While the region benefited from weeks of valuable forewarning in relation to the current hotspots in Europe and North America, the disease's rapid spread and the underlying realities of inequality in much of the region mean SARS-CoV-2 will soon be wreaking havoc across the Americas. As of May 10th, Brazil had already confirmed well over 160,000 cases and 11,000 deaths, while neighboring Peru had identified nearly 69,000 cases and Mexico had counted just under 3,500 deaths.
Dengue Mosquito

Second Epidemic: Dengue Outbreak Ravages Across Latin America Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Certain countries in the Americas are now facing another deadly epidemic amid the coronavirus pandemic.
FILE PHOTO: A passenger wearing a mask waits in line to check in for a flight at Miami International Airport

California's COVID-19 Contact Tracing Failed When Overwhelmed, CDC Study Finds

A recent report published by the California Health Department and the CDC claims the state's contract tracing program was ineffective in limiting the spread of the virus.

Ways on How Latina Celebrities Are Making Their Skin Looking Youthful and Glowing

Read on to find out about how celebrities are keeping their skin glowing and youthful. Latinas have their own unique way of getting their skin looking healthy and beautiful.

Mexicans with Diabetes, Hypertension, and Obesity Are at a High Risk of COVID-19 Complications

Diabetes, hypertension, and obesity can cause complications to those who contracted the coronavirus. Read on to find out.

Effective Latina Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

Read on to find out about effective Latina beauty tips. There is no doubt that Latinas are beautiful. A lot of Latina celebrities and even non-celebrity Latinas are often showing clear and glowing skin.
Outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Mexico City

Mexico Installs 'Sanitizing Tunnels' to Disinfect Visitors from COVID-19

The Mexican state of Sonora recently installed 'sanitizing tunnels' along the border in an effort to reduce chances of bringing the coronavirus pandemic over from Arizona.

Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Disease Security Says COVID-19 Is Not Going Away

Dr. Tom Inglesby, Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Disease Security, said that COVID-19 is not going away until a vaccine is developed.

Lifestyle Bowls and Q&A: Chipotle Offers Healthy Options

In light of quarantine orders, Chipotle opened a new section of their menu that offers healthy meals to help us maintain fitness indoors.

Here's Why More Latinos are Catching Coronavirus Despite Being a Minority Group in the US

Despite being a U.S. minority group, Latinos who are getting infected with the coronavirus are increasing in number. Why is this happening?

Experts Reveal How to Properly Use, Remove, and Wash Reusable Face Masks

The use of face mask has now become mandatory in the different places in the United States as they slowly open their economy under Phase 1 and experts advice on how to properly use, remove, and wash reusable facemasks.

COVID-19 Treatment: Remdesivir Gets Emergency Approval from FDA

Issued as an emergency approval, the use of remdesivir on hospitalized coronavirus patients must be done at the discretion of the medical staff.

Women of Color Are Experiencing These Common Types of Hair Loss

There are a lot of women of color experiencing hair loss problems. Read on to find out about its classifications and suggested treatments.

Unaccounted Cases: Mexico's COVID-19 Cases Are 30 Times Higher Than Reported, Experts Say

Experts say that the number of COVID-19 cases in Mexico is 30 times higher than the reported data which makes Mexico second to the United States.

Peanut Butter Sniff Tests Could Help Identify Asymptomatic COVID-19 Carriers, Study Says

A neurologist revealed the creamy spread helps identify coronavirus carriers who are not experiencing any symptoms.

Deadlier Than COVID-19: Mexico's History of Epidemics That Almost Wiped out the Country's Population

Mexico has faced different diseases and epidemics over the previous five centuries and some of these almost killed the country's population.

Coronavirus Antibody Tests: A Possible Answer to the COVID-19 Test Gaps

Antibody tests are designed to show whether or not a patient has previously been infected with COVID-19---even if you never had any symptoms.

COVID-19 Outbreak in Mexico Could Peak By Late April, Says Scientists

A group of Mexican scientists warned that the COVID-19 outbreak in the country could peak by late April using the two epidemiological models.
James Richman

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