
Proposed Treatments for COVID-19

While the pandemic globally threatens us, here's a proposed cures for COVID-19. (Photo : Image by skeeze from Pixabay ) Ever since the discovery of the novel coronavirus in China to its global spread, scientists from different parts of the world are on a race to find a cure or treatment for the deadly disease.
Medical staff attend to a suspected coronavirus patient at Suradadi Hospital after Indonesia confirmed new cases of the disease

Running Out Of Ventilators: Experts Say US Could Be The Next Italy

Experts say the United States' COVID-19 crisis could resemble Italy's if the nation sees a sudden spike.
Blood Samples

Research Shows Individuals With Blood Type 'A' May Be More Prone to COVID-19

According to researchers, a study in Wuhan and Shenzhen has shown an increased chance of infection in patients with the blood type A as they appear to experience more severe symptoms.
A medical professional, supported by New York Army National Guard members, collects swabs to test for coronavirus disease

March 17 Update: The Entire World Hunkers Down Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

All the latest coronavirus updates from around the world. (Photo : Reuters/National Guard) Coronavirus has taken the world by storm after China first confirmed its existence almost three months ago.

X-Ray Images Show How Coronavirus Ravages The Lungs

A respiratory health specialist recently described how the novel coronavirus affects the lungs of a COVID-19-afflicted patient by examining the X-Ray images of deceased patients.

COVID-19: What Are the Symptoms and Should I See a Doctor?

Helpful tips on what to look for and how to conduct yourself during these difficult times. (Photo : pxhere) We are all somewhat worried about COVID-19, but would you seriously know if you had it just from the symptoms? And if you did have the symptoms, would you have the courage to stay home or would you risk infecting others in a frantic attempt to be cured? As the pandemic continues to speed around the globe, infecting people of all races, religions, sexes, and social statuses, our best defense, as always, is information.
First Deadly Coronavirus Case in Cancun City, Mexico Reported

Cancun City, Mexico Reports First Deadly Coronavirus Case

Find out here about the First deadly coronavirus case in Cancun City, Mexico. (Photo : Stocksnap) The mayor of Benito Juarez, a municipality located in Cancun City, announced through social media.
FILE PHOTO: Protection measurements against possible cornoavirus infections being shown at the university clinic of Essen

ICU Beds Are Almost Fully Occupied in New Mexico

The coronavirus has driven the New Mexico system to its limits and hospitals overwhelmed with patients can lead to a shortage of bedspaces.
Philipp Hoffman, Curevac German Biopharmaceutical company

Coronavirus: The Race For A Cure

Research groups announced the start of human trials for a possible vaccine against the global health threat coronavirus.
A woman walks towards El Paso, Texas, U.S. at the international border bridge Paso del Norte, as seen from Ciudad Juarez

Experts Question Mexico's Coronavirus Preparations

As the nation reports 15 cases of COVID-19 , many medical experts worry that Mexico is not as ready as the epidemic of H1N1.
Menstrual Cup

Menstrual Cup: The Good, The Bad, And The Dirty

Menstrual cups are currently the most eco-friendly and budget-friendly option for a woman's period flow. Learn the benefits and disadvantages of using cups for your menstrual flow.
Servpo cleanup crew

Here's Why We Shouldn't Be Scared Of Coronavirus

Coronavirus has caused shockwaves in many countries around the world. Here's why you shouldn't panic.
The Coronavirus Pandemic: Reasons Why You are Wearing Masks Incorrectly

The Coronavirus Pandemic: Reasons Why You Should Stop Wearing Facemasks

Find out here about the reasons why you should stop wearing masks. (Photo : Stocksnap) Since the arrival of the coronavirus in the United States of America, many citizens have been buying loads of facemasks.
Medical staff use thermometers during checks for coronavirus at the border crossing with Italy in Vrtojba, Slovenia.

Important Facts You Should Know About the Global Pandemic Coronavirus

Stay informed, stay safe. (Photo : Reuters/Borut Zivulovic) The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the global health threat COVID-19 as a pandemic.
The Coronavirus can Thrive in Multiple Surfaces for at least three hours, Says New Study

How Long Can COVID-19 Remain on Surfaces?

Find out about the survival rate of the coronavirus on different types of surfaces. (Photo : Stocksnap) The deadly novel coronavirus is fast-spreading in the different parts of the world.

Why are Doctors Suggesting Male Coronavirus Survivors Take Fertility Tests?

Find out here why male coronavirus survivors are being asked to take fertility tests. (Photo : Wikimedia) Male survivors of the deadly new coronavirus are being urged by their doctors to take fertility tests.

Coronavirus Pandemic: Reasons to NOT Panic

Find out why you should not worry so much about the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo : Wikimedia) Recently, the coronavirus outbreak had been declared by WHO as a pandemic.

WHO Announces the Novel Coronavirus as a Pandemic

Find out here about the coronavirus being a pandemic. (Photo : Wikimedia) On Wednesday, the leader of the World Health Organization (WHO) had officially announced to the public the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic, says a recent article.

How to Find Out if You are Positive for the Novel Coronavirus

Find out here how you will find out if you are positive for the Novel Coronavirus. (Photo : Wikimedia) The novel coronavirus or the SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of the COVID-19.
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Top Boxing Workout Gear for 2020

Find out here about the top 2020 boxing workout gears from Amazon. There are many benefits of boxing. One benefit of boxing is its fat-burning abilities.
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