
Latinos Have Longer Life Expectancy Than Non-Hispanics

A new study says Latin Americans have a lower rate of premature death compared to their non-Hispanic white counterparts in the U.S. regardless of being a resident of the country or not.
Exciting Activities for Single People on Valentine’s Day

Fun Activities for Singles on Valentine’s Day

Find out here how you can enjoy Valentine’s Day even if you are single. (Photo : Stocksnap) Are you single? Do all of your family and friends have plans for Valentine's Day and you don't? We got you covered with these effective ways to keep yourself entertained even if you don't have a date for Valentine's Day.
Clear Skin

Amazon's Best Face Masks for Fighting Acne

Look no further for the most effective face masks for acne available on Amazon. (Photo : pxhere) A beautiful, radiant, and flawless face cannot be achieved overnight.
Effective Comfort Foods That Helps a Person Recover from a Heartbreak

Effective and Healthy Comfort Foods Good for the Heartbroken

Find out here how you can quickly recover from a heartache through comfort foods. (Photo : Stocksnap) Heartbreaks are awful. This can be felt through a relationship break-up, death of a loved one fights with close family and friends.
Skin Care

The Most Effective Skin Care Products for 2020

Find out here the effective skincare products for 2020. (Photo : pxhere) What's the secret to glowing skin you asked? The answer is unique to different people.
Experts Believe that Couples Who Sleep in Different Beds Stays Together Longer

Experts Say Sleeping in Separate Beds Improves Relationships

No more stealing the blanket, as experts suggest separate beds for couples with strain on their relationship.
Is Read Meat Bad For Your Health?

Is Red Meat Really That Bad For Your Health?

If you can't find any reason why you should stop eating red meat, now you have one, according to the latest study.
Jessica Simpson: Plastic Surgery Gone Bad

The Risks of Plastic Surgery: Jessica Simpson Learns the Hard Way

Find out here the risks of plastic surgeries according to Jessica Simpson’s own experience. (Photo : Reuters) Jessica Simpson recently gave advice to everyone who sees plastic surgery as a quick and easy method for looking fabulous.

Suicide Still a Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Suicide is still one of the leading causes of death in the United States of America, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Face mask

Best Face Masks of 2020 to Protect You From Viruses

Affordable and best face masks toprotect you from virus and bacteria. (Photo : pxhere) Everyone is now getting panicked because of the outbreak of Coronavirus that has affected thousands of people worldwide.
Best Cold and Flu Remedies for Children

Best Cold and Flu Remedies for Children

This cold and flu season, it pays to be ready! Here are the best cold and flu remedies for your children.
Chinese government is building a hospital in just six days that will treat patients who have Coronavirus symptoms.

China is Building a Hospital in 6 Days for Coronavirus Patients

Chinese government is building a hospital in just six days that will treat patients who have Coronavirus symptoms.

Living in Urban Raises Risks of Alzheimer's, Says Research

Living in urban areas raises the risk of developing neurological diseases, according to recent studies.
Why Getting Enough Sleep Each Night is Key to Your Overall Health

Why Getting Enough Sleep Each Night is Key to Your Overall Health

Sleep is one of the basic functions that we all do as human beings. The question must be raised, are you getting enough of it?
Can Parcels From China Transmit Coronavirus?

Can Parcels Shipped From China Transmit Coronavirus?

Since most products sold online are shipped from China, it raises an alarming question for many people: can you contract coronavirus from packages and mailed shipments?

Airplane Carrying U.S. Citizens From Wuhan, Diverted to Military Base

A government-chartered flight from Wuhan, China carrying more than 200 U.S. citizens was diverted from its original destination to a military base in California.

Diets That Can Jumpstart Your Weightloss

The decision to lose weight is a very important one because it means you want to start taking more control over your health. With the many fad diets that everyone seems to be on these days, it can feel overwhelming to know which one to even bother with. When deciding, keep in mind that diets should not be considered a quick way to lose weight; instead, think of them as lifestyle changes, and something you will want to stick with. The reason why there are many different diets is that everyone is different, and everyone has different needs when it comes to what they eat and the goals they want to accomplish.
Football fans

Devoted Football Fans Experience Dangerous Levels of Stress

A recent study shows that devoted football fans who are watching their favorite teams could lead them in a heart attack.
Mexico's Health Ministry admits and revealed that they have been buying obsolete and expired medications for HIV/AIDS.

HIV-Positive Mexicans are Being Treated With Expired Medications

Mexico's Health Ministry admits and revealed that they have been buying obsolete and expired medications for HIV/AIDS.
Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment for Improved Rest

Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment for Improved Rest

Sleep is essential to the mind and body. While you’re asleep, your body goes through a natural restorative process in which it replenishes vital organs and muscles, revitalizes the immune system, and balances hormones. It is recommended that the average person gets at least 7-9 hours of rest each night for optimal mind and body function.
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