
Scott Walker on Immigration: Border Fence With Canada Worth Considering

In the midst of the debate about Donald Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico, his rival Scott Walker is arguing that building a fence along the U.S.-Canadian border is worth considering.

Mount McKinley Name Change to Dinali: White House Confirms Rename of North America's Tallest Mountain

North America's tallest mountain will no longer be known as "Mount McKinley," but will instead be called "Denali," the White House announced on Sunday as President Obama was preparing for a trip to Alaska.

Donald Trump Presidential Race Update: GOP Establishment Working on Take Down Plan?

The establishment wing of the Republican Party has coalesced around the idea that Donald Trump must be stopped. Now it's just a matter of whom they deem worthy of carrying out the honors.

Donald Trump for President Backlash: Jorge Ramos Says Trump's Behavior Similar to Dictatorship

The war of words between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Univision journalist Jorge Ramos continued during the Sunday morning talk shows.

Chris Christie Wants to Track Immigrants Like 'FedEx Packages'

Republican presidential hopeful and New Jersey governor Chris Christie made an unusual analogy to explain how he would combat undocumented immigration at a campaign stop over the weekend: Christie said he would track immigrants like FedEx packages.

Hillary Rodham Clinton Polls for 2016: Losing Democratic Support in Key Early States

Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton is losing support in the key early state of Iowa as competition in the 2016 presidential race heats up.

Bobby Jindal Predicts Donald Trump's Support Will Fade After 'Summer of Silliness'

Louisiana Gov. and 2016 Republican presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal boldly predicts that support for current GOP front-runner Donald Trump will fade as the "summer of silliness" gives way to serious campaign season.

New York Two-State Split Campaign: New Amsterdam and New York Or Upstate vs Downstate?

Advocates from a number of groups pushing to have upstate New York legally declared a separate state are slated to hold a rally on Sunday in hopes of building even more support.

#TrumpBible: The Bible, Re-Imagined for Donald Trump By Twitter

Trump would not say his favorite Bible verse, so Twitter users helped him out Donald Trump has expressed that he is a Presbyterian and that he loves the Bible.

India, China Outpacing Mexico in Immigration to the US

In the current political climate, where the Republican presidential front-runner has whipped up fervor against undocumented Mexican immigrants -- often based on economic arguments -- the reality is that China and India have overtaken Mexico as the largest sources of all new immigrants, legal or otherwise, in the U.S.

Huge Majority of Latinos Concerned About the Air Pollution, Environmental Issues - Poll

According to a new poll conducted by Latino Decisions, a majority of Latinos believe that going green is a good thing.

Immigration Reform News: 2016 Hopeful Donald Trump Delivers a Speech in Nashville, Immigration Activists Hold Protest Rally

2016 Republican candidate Donald Trump made a campaign stop in Nashville, Tennessee on Saturday where he was greeted with cheers, while immigrant rights activists held a protest

Donald Trump Collects Money at Political Event, but Still Insists It's Not a Fundraiser

Donald Trump charged voters $100 per person for entrance into his Boston area campaign event Friday evening, but before all the funds could so much as be deposited, he was already insisting the outing was in no way a fundraiser.

Though Few in Numbers, Trump Does Have Latino Backers

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential campaign by claiming that Mexico was responsible for bringing criminals and rapists to the United States, and he has not exactly endeared himself to the Hispanic community since.

Fiorina Bashes CNN, RNC Over Debate Participation Calculus

Former HP chief executive turned White House hopeful Carly Fiorina is waging a public relations war with CNN over her likely exclusion from the second Republican presidential debate next month.

Trump's Border Wall Is 'Unrealistic,' Rick Perry Says

Donald Trump's suggestion to build a permanent wall at the U.S.-Mexico border cannot be taken seriously, Texas Gov. Rick Perry - one of the tycoon's White House rivals - said this week.

ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Indiana State Ban on 'Ballot Selfies'

While smartphones have equipped people to take and share selfies virtually anywhere in the world with a Wi-Fi connection, a big legal debate has emerged over whether or not selfie-lovers should be permitted to take photos inside of a voting booth and then share the pics on social media.

Ted Cruz to Team up With Donald Trump at Protest Rally Against the Iran Nuclear Deal

2016 GOP presidential rivals Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are set to team up next month in D.C. to fight against the Iran nuclear deal.

Biden Supporters: No Problem Fundraising if VP Decides to Jump in the 2016 Presidential Race

Political insiders say that Vice President Joe Biden would not have a problem raising significant funds in order to compete in the 2016 presidential election if he decides to enter into the race.

GOP Anti-Latino Rhetoric 'Hateful and Racist,' Says AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka

The leader of the largest federation of unions blasted the Republican presidential candidates for taking “a very ugly and dangerous” course discussing immigrant workers.
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