The Cuban government says that among the freed will be some foreign prisoners and inmates, who were set for conditional release next year. Release is very much based on the nature of the crime, as those prisoners who have been found guilty of crimes against state security will not be eligible
Besides dropping his beauty pageants from the air and creating custom piñatas, Latinos are finding new cathartic ways to bash GOP presidential front-runner and celebrity real estate mogul Donald Trump in the digital space.
Donald Trump's anti-immigrant and anti-Latino rhetoric was already a topic at the House of Representatives. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., spoke about Trump and the effect Pope Francis will have during the latter's U.S. visit.
Puerto Rico's economic recovery working group released its comprehensive plan to save the commonwealth. The Working Group for the Fiscal and Economic Recovery of Puerto Rico published the Fiscal and Economic Growth Plan (FEGP), which include proposals for economic growth with reform measures.
The technology expert who maintained the private email servers then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used to conduct government business will be offered immunity when he testifies before the House Benghazi committee.
Hillary Clinton has apologized for her use of a private email server when she was US secretary of state in effort to curtail the controversy that continues to weigh down her presidential campaign.
2016 GOP presidential rivals Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump teamed up on Wednesday to attack President Obama's historic Iran nuclear deal at a protest rally in Washington, D.C.
Pope Francis's visit to the United States this month might help prompt the Obama administration to end immigrant detentions, immigration reform activists hope.
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush disclosed his economic policy plan, attacking Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton for accepting the "new normal." According to the former Florida governor, the "new normal" is flat wages, slow growth and lack of full-time jobs.
Marco Rubio has taken aim at Trump’s as-yet-to-be-seen tax plan. Trump’s tax plan is expected to call for an increase on taxes on the wealthy, which of course is not exactly what the Republican Party is known for.
Typically low key Republican candidate Ben Carson has decided to speak up against what he sees as an unrealistic immigration plan put forth by the leading GOP candidate Donald Trump.
Coinciding with the start of the academic year, the Obama administration is promoting free community college and awarding millions of dollars in apprenticeship grants.
Libre Initiative, a conservative Latino group funded by the political active industrialists the Koch brothers, is voicing their wariness of anti-immigration rhetoric
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., does not support Puerto Rico's efforts to gain U.S. bankruptcy law rights. According to the Republican presidential candidate, Puerto Rico's leaders must lead through the difficult and necessary spending cuts and "out-of-control" big government.
The Obama administration has changed its tone toward the refugee crisis in Europe and announced that it is now opening the door to the possibility of allowing more Syrian refugees into the United States.
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport might be renamed soon. Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport might be renamed soon. A petition for the removal of Ronald Reagan's name from the airport has been created and more than 65,000 signatures have been collected with the aim of removing the former President's name.