
2016 Presidential Candidate Dr. Ben Carson Rises in Iowa Polls to Tie With Donald Trump

As a result, it looks like the only other candidate that has a chance of beating Donald Trump at the moment is Dr. Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who is far from the political establishment.

Immigration News Today: Mexico Deportation Rate Outpaces US, Most Deportees Are Not Criminals

More than one million Central American migrants have been apprehended in Mexico and the U.S. since 2010. While the U.S. has traditionally led the apprehension rates, Mexico has surpassed such rates this year.

2016 Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Issues Statement Supporting Kim Davis' Defiance Against Gay Couples

2016 Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has publicly declared his support for Kentucky clerk Kim Davis and her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples due to her religious beliefs.

Obamacare Enrollment 2016: ACA Proposal Protects Against Sex Discrimination

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed a new rule protecting people from sex discrimination from its health services.

Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio Presidential Campaigns Visit Puerto Rico

Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio are taking their White House bids to Puerto Rico on Friday, where they will hold competing campaign events in San Juan, the commonwealth's capital.

Most Immigrant Households on Welfare, Study Claims

A report from a group, which advocates for lower migration levels, this week claimed that more than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare.

Carly Fiorina Slams Donald Trump on Immigration Ahead of GOP Debate

Former HP chief executive turned White House hopeful Carly Fiorina this week slammed Donald Trump over the GOP front-runner's incendiary comments about undocumented immigrants and his suggestion to end birthright citizenship.

US Unemployment Rate: Latino Unemployment Rate Slips, But Fewer Engaged in Labor Force

As the overall U.S. unemployment rate fell, the Latino unemployment rate also dropped but fewer Latinos are participating in the labor force.

Veterans Affairs News: 300,000 Died Waiting For VA Care, Inspector General Estimates

The Department of Veterans Affairs' inspector general estimates that more than 300,000 former troops died while waiting for health care, but serious issues with record-keeping make it virtually impossible to determine exactly how many veterans are seeking care from the VA.

Joe Biden 2016 Presidential Campaign: White House Bid Up to Family, Not Hillary, Says VP

A week after saying that his family may lack the "emotional fuel" for a White House bid, Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday again fueled speculations that he may jump into the race after all.

Donald Trump's Security Guard Hits Protester, Gets Caught on Tape [VIDEO]

One member of Trump's security detail was caught on tape smacking a protester in the face. One member of Donald Trump's security detail was caught on tape smacking a protester in the face.

Donald Trump Signs Pledge Vowing Not to Run as Third Party Candidate, Docs Not Legally Binding?

The Republican National Committee has succeeded in its dogged plan to get current leading GOP 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump to sign off on a pledge stipulating that he will endorse the party's nominee and forego all plans of a third-party run.

2016 Presidential Race: Donald Trump Signs GOP Loyalty Pledge Promising Not to Make a Third-Party Run

Donald Trump is expected to sign a GOP loyalty pledge on Thursday, vowing not to launch a third-party bid if he does not win the Republican presidential nomination in the general election next year.

Election 2016: Is Luis Gutierrez Losing Latino Votes for Supporting Mayor Emanuel?

Is Luis Gutierrez losing Latino votes for supporting Mayor Rahm Emanuel over Jesus "Chuy" Garcia in the city election?

Online Voter Registration May Boost Tech-Savvy Latino, Millennial Voter Engagement

Online voter registration has become one of the most discussed topics among state legislatures as it may reduce cost and improve government efficiency but perhaps more importantly enhance Latino and millennial engagement.

Donald Trump Video Game Created in Mexico

Trump haters who have lost interest in taking out their frustrations on those big haired piñatas now soon have a more high tech alternative way to vent.

Kanye for President 2020: White House Press Secretary Looking 'Foward to Seeing' Kanye Presidential Bid

Along with Yeezy fans, it appears as if the White House is also anxiously waiting for Kanye West to launch a 2020 presidential campaign.

Iran Nuclear Deal: President Obama Secures Enough Votes to Pass Agreement

President Barack Obama has officially secured enough support in Congress behind the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal to ensure that the historic agreement can be approved.

Jeb Bush Fundraisers Leave Presidential Campaign

Jeb Bush's presidential campaign this week lost three of its top fundraisers, and Politico said the split was due to both "personality conflicts" and concerns about the strength of the former Florida governor's White House bid.

Ted Cruz vs. John Boehner: GOP Texas Senator Responds to John Boehner's 'Jackass' Attack

The fact that John Boehner called him a "jackass" shows that "there's far too much" name-calling among politicians, Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz said on Monday in his first reaction to the House speaker's comments.
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