
Puerto Rico News Today: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Officials Working on 'Path to Prosperity'

A New York delegation wrapped up its one-day solidarity trip to Puerto Rico, where elected officials spoke with health and economic experts about the island's struggles.

Jeb Bush Campaign Ad: First TV Ad Hits Donald Trump, 'Self-Promoters'

In his campaign's first television commercial, presidential hopeful Jeb Bush takes digs not just at "D.C. politicians" but also at "self-promoters," a slight almost certainly aimed at GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

Bernie Sanders Platform: Immigration Not Responsible for Declining Middle Class

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders defended undocumented immigrants against the ongoing anti-immigrant rhetoric during a Latino roundtable in the battleground state of Iowa.

Kim Davis County Clerk News: Ted Cruz Supports Gay Marriage Challenger in Kentucky Jail

The county clerk who is refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples has received little sympathy from U.S. District Judge David Bunning or Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, but Kim Davis seems to have found an ally in presidential hopeful Ted Cruz.

Donald Trump For President Campaign: Prep School Felt Like Military Service

John McCain's almost six years as a POW do not make him a war hero in Donald Trump's eyes, but the tycoon turned presidential hopeful says he himself "always felt that I was in the military" because of his boarding school experience.

President Obama Executive Order: Paid Sick Leave to Government Workers

In honor of Labor Day, President Obama signed an executive order on Monday giving 300,000 federal workers seven days of paid sick leave each year.

2016 Presidential Debates: Hillary Clinton 'Open' for More Democratic Party Debates

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) scheduled six primary debates, which resulted in uproar from some Democratic presidential candidates. Hillary Clinton, however, finally indicated she may favor more debates.

Immigration Reform News: Hillary Clinton Vows to Press Donald Trump for Specifics on Immigration Proposals

Hillary Clinton is vowing to take on the entire Republican field, especially party front-runner Donald Trump, on the burning issue of immigration reform.

Immigration News: Undocumented Immigrants' Labor Complements US Economy, Workforce

Latinos account for most of the foreign-born labor force in 2014, and the participation of undocumented immigrants do not affect the labor participation of U.S.-born citizens.

Donald Trump News: Private Air Fleet Benefits Trump Campaign, Brand

Donald Trump's fleet of private aircraft is turning out to be a key advantage for the GOP presidential frontrunner as his jets and helicopters not only reliably get the billionaire to his campaign events but also serve to promote his brand.

2016 Election Polls: Bernie Sanders Leads Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, Closes In in Iowa

Bernie Sanders' challenge to Hillary Clinton is picking up steam as the Vermont senator leads the Democratic presidential frontrunner by 9 percentage points in New Hampshire, according to the latest poll to come out of the key early-primary state.

Sarah Palin 'Speak American' Interview: Immigrants Should 'Speak American' [Video]

According to Sarah Palin, Spanish-speaking immigrants should "speak American" when they're in the United States.

2016 Presidential Polls Update: Bernie Sanders Leads Clinton in Latest New Hampshire Poll

Senator Bernie Sanders leads DNC candidate Hillary Clinton in a NBC/Marist poll that was released on Sunday.

Migrant Crisis News: Pope Francis Calls on All Catholics to Shelter Refugees

Addressing the current migrant crisis that is facing Europe, Pope Francis has called upon every European religious center to take in one refugee family in a gesture of solidarity.

Federal Judge Upholds Arizona's Controversial Immigration 'Status Checking' Law

On Friday U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton upheld a crucial section of Arizona's controversial 2010 immigration law, which allows Arizona police to check the immigration status of anyone they happen to stop.

Guatemala's New President 2015: Polls Likely to Be Inconclusive After Presidential Crisis

After former President Otto Pérez Molina resigned and was arrested last week, Guatemalans have gone to the polls to vote for a new leader.

Trump Immigration Backlash News: Is Trump's Popularity Alienating Conservative Latino Voters?

Donald Trump's rising candidacy within the Republic Party is starting to generate debate even within conservative circles, particularly where potential Latino GOP voters are concerned.

In Iowa, Questions Arise Over Republican Candidates' Seriousness on Tough Immigration Talk

More and more voters in Iowa are starting to question if all the feisty declarations made by many of the 2016 GOP candidates for president on how they would handle the issue of immigration are even possible or needed.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Polls: Trump Beats Hillary in Latest Poll

A new poll released by SurveyUSA on Friday indicates that celebrity real estate magnate turned GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is leading Hillary Clinton.

Trump University Scandal: Leading GOP Candidate Still Facing Lawsuit Claiming Students Were 'Scammed' Out of Millions

A pending lawsuit in the Manhattan Supreme Court charges that at least 600 former students of the now defunct Trump University, founded by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, were scammed out of millions of dollars, $5 million of which New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman argues directly landed in the real estate mogul's pockets.
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