Seventy-eight-year-old Mary Fong Lau, the elderly driver of an SUV in a tragic San Francisco bus stop crash, faces charges of vehicular manslaughter, reckless driving, and other offenses. The collision resulted in the deaths of a couple and their toddler over the weekend.
A California woman found herself in handcuffs last week during Stanley cup mania when she allegedly wheeled a shopping cart filled with reusable water bottles out of a store without paying, according to authorities.
After eight long months, the family of a California woman, who was abducted in Mexico, has finally received the long-awaited news they had been hoping for—she is coming back home.
A 70-year-old California woman was brutally beaten and even kicked in the head by four young boys in the lobby of her apartment building in San Francisco.
Before her fellow campers could use bear spray to force the North American brown bear to leave the area, a grizzly bear pulled a North California woman from her tent in the middle of the night in a small town in Montana, wildlife officials stated Wednesday.