Shakira, musician, actor and mother, is now becoming an entrepreneur. She has developed an app to help young parents develop their skills and document the growth of their children.
Brazil, the largest South American and Portuguese-speaking country, has doubled the murder rate of its young in the past 20 years. Approximately 28 Brazilian children and adolescents are murdered every day.
The National Institutes of Health authored and analyzed a survey that addressed the television viewing of young Latino children, which comprises one in five children in the U.S., today. The study was done to examine the correlation between health and viewing habits, and how the primary language spoken at home may affect the outcome of the child's eating habits, weight, and attention/focusing skills.
The importance of individualized education, especially in regards to children who suffer from learning disabilities, ESL students, and students who don't identify with the euro-centric text that they are tested on in school, has proven to be a remarkably effective method when teaching students of any age.
One North Dakota resident called into the Y94 radio station in Fargo offering some children tricks rather than treats this Halloween. Instead of simply giving candy to every child, children who she considers to be “moderately obese” will get a critical letter in their goodie bag as well.
Wealthy people often move to big cities with a desire to absorb a sense of urban culture and to comingle with a diverse collection of people. That is until they decide to procreate; then, it’s time to head for the hills.