Google Glass

Google Glass Explorer News and Rumors: Man Brings Google Glass Into Movie, is Detained by Homeland Security

Authorities were trying to stop counterfeiting A man claims that law enforcement officers questioned him after he wore a pair of Google Glasses into a film.

Google Glass User Pulled from Movie, Questioned by DHS, Is Pretty Cool About It

Google hopes its wearable computing eyeglasses, Glass, is poised to revolutionize our daily interaction with technology and the internet, but it's already proved a challenge to laws and societal norms. Just two days after Glass Explorer Cecilia Abadie got out of a ticket she received for "driving with [a computer] monitor visible to driver" while wearing Glass, another Explorer has run into the long, outmoded, arm of the law.

Google Glass 2 Release Date, Features & Specs: Surgeon Live Streams Surgery Via Device

The Google Glass has achieved a brand new milestone as it was reportedly used by an orthopedic surgeon to perform a foot surgery.

Google Glass 2 Release Date, Features & News Update: Hyundai to Launch 'Pre-Drive' App for 2015 Genesis

The Google Glass is set to make some brand new innovations as it becomes an essential part of the next Genesis sedan of the Hyundai Motor Co.

Google Glass Release Date, Features & Specs: Device Update Allows Wink to Snap A Picture

Recent software updates announced by Google Glass gave way to a brand new means of taking a picture and that is just by the wink of an eye.

Google Glass Release Date, Features & Specs: Hunger Games Cast Tries Device; Gets Confused

The Hunger Games Cast tried Google Glass and posed cutely for their fans on Global Fan Day. With Google Glass 2 and the the Galaxy Gear recently launched, one would think that wearable gadgets are the next big thing.

Google Glass 2 Release Date, Features and Specs: Device Gets an Upgrade; Will Fit Prescription Glasses

Google announced on Monday that the company is ready to engage in phase two of the Google Glass beta program.

Google Glass Explorers Can Now Invite a Friend, Others Can Just GlassUp

If you're not a fan of so-called "Glassholes," prepare to be annoyed, but if you're a friend of a Google Glass Explorer, start being really nice to him or her.

Google Glass Bans Facial Recognition Technology

Google has decided that it will not allow facial recognition software on its new Glass. Google Glass may very well be the face of the future in a couple of years, but that doesn't mean that it will be at full functionality.