
7 Dead in Border Shootout With Los Zetas

Seven Los Zetas gunmen were killed in armed combat with the Mexican Army after setting up an ambush near the border city.

Unearthed Skeletal Remains of Slaves Show Barbaric Abuse and Diseases in Mexico

Researchers unearthed three skulls that dated back to the 16th century, the height of the transatlantic slave trade.

Mexico Pauses Clean-Energy Plans Amid Mounting COVID-19 Cases

Mexico's Centro Nacional de Control de Energia (Cenace) indefinitely stopped all operations and critical tests for clean-energy projects amid the rising number of coronavirus cases in the nation.

Mexico LGBTQ+ 'Gaymers' Compete In Virtual Football Tournament

As people are forced to home confinement due to COVID-19, LGBT+ gaymers took an opportunity to kick a ball, make friends, and come out of the closet celebrating their identity through eSports.

Islas Marias Madre: Mexico's Tropical Alcatraz

More than a hundred years ago, the Mexican government built a federal prison on a large Pacific archipelago just off the coast of Mexico. The island, known as Mexico's Alcatraz, is a place many prisoners do not want to leave.

Five Facts About Pulque: The Drink Of The Gods

Get to know more about pulque and what makes it an important piece of Mexico's rich heritage. The consumption of pulque, a three-to-eight percent fizzy alcoholic drink made from fermented agave sap, can be traced back to the pre-Hispanic period, making it one of the oldest beverages in Mexico.

Mexican President Violates Constitution, Accused of Personal Promotion

The Mexican government and the National Electoral Institute have decided to remove President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s name from the letters that were supposed to be sent to recipients of stimulus loans.

Mexican Businesses Facing Economic Crisis Receive Loans

Small-scale business owners in Mexico’s localities are struggling to maintain their businesses while they deal with slow production, low sales, and shortage of employees during the pandemic. This week, the federal authorities have approved around 700,000 loans for Mexican businesses.

Lopez Obrador’s Frugal Austerity Measures Moving Ahead in Congress

Despite objections questioning the constitutionality of the new austerity measures, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s proposal to cut 75% of the national budget for the year is already moving in congress.

Chinese Immigrant Found Murdered in Mexico, Authorities Deny Coronavirus Discrimination Killing

Law enforcement officials in Mexico are investigating the murder of a Chinese immigrant in the state of Chihuahua. They ruled out coronavirus racial discrimination as a possible motive for the fatal shooting.

Smaller Enterprises Affected the Most by Lopez Obrador’s Budget Cuts

There are 19,440 government suppliers registered in Mexico, and 88% of these are micro, small, and medium-sized businesses.

AMLO Calls Program by Private Banks Supporting MSMEs a “Loan Scheme”

A joint program by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Mexican Business Council will seek to provide loans to 30,000 businesses in the country worth U.S. $12 billion to boost the economy.

Mexico's Interior Department Says COVID-19 Lockdown Policies Violate Constitutional Rights

Mexico's Interior Department recently denounced towns putting up roadblocks and imposing curfews. They believe the measures made to curb the spread of the virus violates constitutional rights.

Highway Robbery Of Transport Trucks in Mexico Spikes 25% Amid Lockdown

While most people are stuck indoors, unemployed, and struggle to meet their needs, gangs in Mexico have resorted to highway robberies.

Lopez Obrador Announces Containment Measures for the Pandemic– “There Will Be a Quick Return to Normality”

Mexico President Lopez Obrador announced last Sunday that the coronavirus pandemic is now under control.

Mexican Automotive Factory Workers Pressured to Leave Home for “Essential Work”

Corporations from the United States are urging Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to reclassify maquiladoras as essential to reopen the supply chain during the lockdown. Factory workers are pressured to work again, and this time they try to protest.

Valle de México Water Loss: 2.5 Million Residents Affected

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the water supply loss has aggravated the situation of residents who are forced to stay indoors since they cannot easily get access to safe, potable water in their area.

Retail Companies Provide Employment Opportunities During COVID-19 Crisis

While entertainment and hospitality industries have been forced to halt their operations due to the COVID-19 crisis, the commercial retail industry keeps an open door to the consumers and unemployed alike.

Indigenous Artisans Resort to Making Face Masks From Palm Leaves as Source of Income

While the demand for hats, fans, cords, earrings, baskets, and other handmade products has dropped tremendously during the health crisis, indigenous artisans are resorting to face mask production.

Femicides Increase in Mexico as Women Are Forced to Stay Indoors With Abusers

Experts attribute the increase of femicide to the government's confinement orders which enabled domestic violence.

USMCA to Replace NAFTA– Agreement to Take Effect July 1

After much effort and persuasion from U.S. President Donald Trump’s office, the new NAFTA will include stricter compliance to guidelines with regards to labor and automotive content without changing the US$1.2 trillion in trade flows between the U.S.-Mexico-Canada per year.
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