
As COVID-19 Cases Rise in Mexico, so Does Criminality

While Mexican authorities are making arrangements for the country’s healthcare system, specifically for COVID-19 patients, organized crime groups are exploiting vulnerable groups by providing basic resources while at the same time resorting to extortion, kidnapping, and violence.

Fentanyl Making Chemicals Are Running Out, Mexican Cartels Are Scrambling

The Mexican Cartels are having difficulties getting chemicals to make methamphetamines and fentanyl.

Mexico Considers Relaxing COVID-19 Regulations

Mexico is considering reopening some portions of the country by the middle of May, despite the rising number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and fatalities.

Number of Coronavirus Outbreaks in Mexican Facilities Is Alarming

In the capital of Mexico, the outbreak of coronavirus began in the very facility meant to prevent the spread.

Homicide and COVID-19 in Mexico

As Mexico continues to fight against the COVID-19 crisis, incidents of violence in the country continue to rise at an alarming rate.

AMLO Tells Drug Gangs to End Violence Instead of Giving Out Food Packages

According to AMLO, the care packages given out by drug cartels are not doing any help. He tells them to end violence instead.

A Decade Later, The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Still Leaves Mexican Communities Struggling for Nothing

The Deepwater Horizon was an offshore drilling rig that exploded on April 20, 2010, killing more than 11 crewmen and causing a massive environmental catastrophe. Mexican communities affected by the spill have yet to receive a cent in compensation even after a decade.

Case of the Missing Mexican Journalist Reveals He Had Trouble with Police

The vanishing of Mexican journalist, Victor Fernandez Alvarez has revealed a division between the media and law enforcement as "violence against journalists" that has intensified in a union-controlled Mexican port.

Amid Protests, IMSS Has Announced to Spend Over Mex$5 Billion for Medical Supplies

The largest health institute in Mexico is seeking to spend over five billion pesos for medical equipment.

Mexico’s Labor Ministry Launches Website To Help Workers Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Mexico's Ministry of Labor and Social Security launched a platform to maintain the workers' knowledge and skills as they are forced to work from home amid the COVID-19 crisis, according to a recently published article.

Peña Nieto's Hidden Net Worth: An Investigation into the Former President's Wealth

Peña Nieto, the former president in Mexico, and members of his family are now under investigation due to their accumulated wealth during his term.

Slashed Tires and Physical Abuse: Health Workers Fight Violence Amid War Against COVID-19

Doctors, nurses, and medical staff are fighting a new threat across the globe as they work on curing patients of the global pandemic COVID-19.
Outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Ciudad Juarez

Mexico's Doctors and Nurses Protest Shortage of PPE Provisions

Health workers demand administrators and management to take their concerns seriously. Inadequate equipment, poor leadership, and increased risk are all driving doctors and nurses to the streets to make their pleas be heard.

Masks Are Now Mandatory in Mexico, Street Vendors Take Advantage

Almost painting a grim scene, street vendors are selling products during the quarantine imposed for residents to stop going out. They are lined up on the Puente Plateado bridge, with their makeshift stalls in place.
FILE PHOTO: The sun is seen behind a crude oil pump jack in the Permian Basin in Loving County

Mexico's Triumph Over OPEC+, What Will It Cost?

President Lopez Obrador signed an agreement to help improve the Mexican oil producer's supply. (Photo: Reuters) Mexico delayed a historical agreement to stabilize global oil markets for three days by avoiding to acknowledge an offer from the Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries to reduce oil production by 350,000 barrels per day.
The National Alliance of Small Business said that beer helps people ‘get through quarantine on beer terms.’

A Growing Debate: Should Beer be Considered Essential Amid Mexico’s Lockdown?

There's a growing debate in Mexico of whether or not beer is an essential product. For the beer industry, this beverage helps people get through quarantine.

Crocodiles And Other Wild Animals Invade Mexico Hotel

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, people are forced to stay indoors but the staff of a hotel in the city of Cancun, Mexico has been met with unlikely visitors.
A sign of state-owned company Petroleos Mexicanos

Mexico's Oil Regulator Says Pemex Joint Ventures Possible In Coming Months

Mexico's new oil regulator said state-owned petroleum company Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) could possibly seek for joint venture partnerships soon.
Funeral workers remove the body of a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) victim from a hearse at a funeral parlor, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

"Death Train" COVID-19 Silently Spreading Through Border Factories, Experts Say

At least 12 factory workers were reported to have died from COVID-19 in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Health officials are worried the virus may have been silently spreading for weeks.

One of a Kind: The Unique Mexican Culture

Mexican culture is diverse. Its combination of various cultures is what makes Mexicans good friends to have.

Environmental Activist Shot Dead in Mexico, Third This Year

A well-known environmental activist was shot dead earlier this month in Mexico. His death marks the third activist killed in the country this year.
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