
Bored? Mexico's Mythical Creatures Will Surely Creep You Out While on Quarantine

With Mexico's extensive heritage, it's undeniable that mythical creatures continue to haunt every place in the village--at least during storytime.

Mexico Should Consider Virology A Matter Of National Security, Experts Say

According to experts, once the virology center and coordinated groups to combat viral diseases are established, Mexico would stop putting its national security at risk.

American Couple Killed in Broad Daylight While Driving in Mexico, Cartel-Related Murders on the Rise

A 32-year-old US man and his girlfriend were killed while quarantining in Mexico during the COVID-19 crisis.

Experts Say Mexico Needs 20,000 Ventilators for the COVID-19 Crisis but It Only has 3,000

Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Mexico, the need for ventilators also continues to increase. How is Mexico resolving the problem?

Mexican Healthcare Workers Attacked in Waves of Violence

Mexican healthcare workers who continue to serve different hospitals treating COVID-19 patients were reportedly assaulted and attacked.
Mexico's Most Dangerous Roads and Highways

Here Are 5 of Mexico's Most Dangerous Roads And Highways

Road accidents in Mexico are the leading cause of death among people between the ages of five and 35.

Mexican Healthcare Workers Ask for Respect and Solidarity After Multiple Counts of Assault

While some countries respect and praise their healthcare professionals, other countries, like Mexico, are experiencing violence from the people in their country.

Quarantines and Lockdowns in Latin America’s Largest Nations: How Are They Doing?

Here are Latin America's largest nations and how they implement various measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Corona Beer, Other Companies Observe Corporate Social Responsibility in COVID-19 Efforts

Across Mexico, large corporations have been losing millions and even billions because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but that doesn't stop them from helping fight the deadly disease.

Bank Of Mexico Releases New 20-Peso Coin

Made out of nickel, silver, bronze, and aluminum, and is dodecagonal or has 12 sides, the new 20-peso coin is slightly smaller, thinner, and lighter than previously-minted, completely round 20-peso coins.

Shaping the World: Things You Probably Don't Know About Mexico's Contributions to Humanity

There are many things that everyone should know about how Mexico played a very important role in the history of humanity and its contribution to the world.

Trump Extends Travel Restrictions to Mexico and Canada

The United States, Mexico, and Canada are extending non-essential travels for another month to control the spread of COVID-19 that continue to affect the three countries that are sharing the same borders.

The US Pressures Mexico to Reopen Plants Amidst Worker Walkouts

The United States pressed on Tuesday, Mexico to revive the border assembly plants as more workers demonstrated protests and walkouts at the facilities due to fears over the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mars-Like Mexico: Cuatro Cienegas Coahuila

Cuatro Cienegas Coahuila pools have sedimentary structures of organisms that are most likely similar to what is found in Mars and are now investigated by a group of scientists.

Mexico City Hospitals Overwhelmed by Coronavirus Cases – Extension for Measures

Much to everyone’s chagrin, it does not seem as though the pandemic is going to end anytime soon. More hospitals are becoming crowded, showing that the city will not be able to handle the influx of patients at the height of the pandemic, which is fast approaching.

3 Latin American Countries Particularly Smashed by Oil Collapse Due to COVID-19 Crisis

Traders say, the costs of major Latin American crude grades plunged early this week after the crash in standard crude stocks, vexing a weak market that has already been weak, and has seen a small number of sales in April.

Patients and Their Loved Ones Exchange Messages With Notes Taped To Hospital Windows

In Mexico, sending messages to their loved ones through pen and paper serves as the lifeline of COVID-19 patients amid the pain and suffering caused by the deadly virus.

Mexico Raises COVID-19 Emergency Health Level As Cases Surpass 9,000

Mexico enters the most serious phase of the spread of the global pandemic COVID-19 after cases in the country surpassed 9,000.

Bioluminiscencia in Mexico: They're All Over the Place, Here's a New Addition to the List

Bioluminescence is a natural phenomenon. It can be seen in different parts of Mexico. Here are some of the places and the time they can be best witnessed.

Criminal Groups and Drug Cartels Leverage Power and Public Opinion Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Various criminal groups across Latin American countries take advantage of the pandemic by acting as self-styled public defenders.

Mexican Hospitals Turn Patients Away as Infections Rise

Mexico has the highest ratio of COVID-19 positive cases and the number of deaths in Latin America. Some hospitals in the country are also turning away patients.
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