
Mexicans with Diabetes, Hypertension, and Obesity Are at a High Risk of COVID-19 Complications

Diabetes, hypertension, and obesity can cause complications to those who contracted the coronavirus. Read on to find out.

Here Are Some Abuela-Approved Healthy Avocado Mexican Dishes

Avocados pack a lot of health benefits. Read on to find out about some Abuela-approved healthy avocado Mexican dishes.

Here Are Some Mexican Meat Dishes You Will Love to Remake at Home

Read on to find out about Mexican meat dishes you can remake at home. Mexican cuisine embodies the rich culture of Mexico and its people. Mexican dishes include ingredients with a variety of meat choices.
Outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Mexico City

Mexico Installs 'Sanitizing Tunnels' to Disinfect Visitors from COVID-19

The Mexican state of Sonora recently installed 'sanitizing tunnels' along the border in an effort to reduce chances of bringing the coronavirus pandemic over from Arizona.

Mexican Gang Leader El Gordo May in High-Security Mexican Prison Dies From The Coronavirus

He was the leader of one of the most feared drug cartels in Mexico. Read on to find out more about Moisés Escamilla May’s death from the coronavirus while in prison.

Mexican Government Orders 16% Tax Increase on Netflix

The Mexican government has ordered an increase of value-added tax to digital platforms. Netflix will start to add up to 16 percent to its subscribers starting June as ordered by the government.

Mexican Festivals and Holidays You Need to Know About

Mexican festivals and holiday celebrations are colorful and exciting. After the coronavirus pandemic, find time to visit them and enjoy it with the locals. Read on to find out about Mexican festivals and holidays.

Mass Murder: 25 Unidentified People Found Dead in Mexico's Jalisco State

Mexican law enforcement officials recently discovered a mass grave where the bodies of over two dozen people were found.

Supply and Demand for Mexican-Grown Vegetables Is Strong in the US

The demand and supply for fully-grown Mexican fruits and vegetables have finally stabilized and are going strong.

Tropical Cyclone Preparations in the Yucatan

The tropical cyclone season is approaching. The government of Yucatan is in the process of preparing for it.

Authorities Arrest Suspects for the Strangling of 3 Nurses in Mexico

Mexican authorities arrested two men for strangling three sister nurses who worked in the nation's state-run hospitals. Authorities ruled out coronavirus-fears as the motive to the crime.

Mexican Staple Ingredients You Need in Your Pantry

With the increasing number of Mexican-born immigrants in the country, we have grown to like Mexican cuisine. Here are some staple Mexican ingredients you need in your pantry amid the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 “Curve Not Flattened” In Mexico Despite Health Ministry Claim, Expert Say

Mexico's COVID-19 “Curve" Not Flattened Despite Health Ministry Claims

Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus may not have been as successful as authorities think.

It's ‘International Have a Coke Day' | One Mexican Town Has More Access to Coca-Cola Than Water

In a town in Mexico, Coke is cheaper and easier to find than water. If the mere thought of the 'National Have a Coke Day' today makes you want to sing, you are not alone.

The Decline of Tourism in Mexico: Violence and Coronavirus Crisis

Locals in Mexican areas are blocking entry for visitors due to coronavirus fears. Read on to find out more about the decline of tourism in Mexico.

Mexico is Running Out of Beer as Halt of Non-Essential Activities Suspends Brewing

Brewing beer was long considered by both government and health officials as a non-essential activity, and yet Mexicans are demanding for its production again.

Heineken Mexico Sells Vouchers Online Support to Local Restaurants

Heineken Mexico is leading the way to help local business owners and their staff. Even though Mexico's beer industry is on the brink of collapse Heineken Mexico has launched a voucher program that aims to support restaurant owners and their staff during the economic crisis brought by COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent article.

Local Cane Alcohol Poisons 77 People, Kills 25 in Mexico

The Mexican Ministry of Health announced the death of another alcohol poisoning victim in the western part of the nation on Tuesday.

Mexican Central Bank to Cut Interest Rates to Shield the Economy Against the Impact of the Coronavirus

Due to the harsh effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the economy of Mexico, there is an increased chance that the country’s central bank will be cutting further interest rates. Read on to know how affected you are to this news.

Facts About Mexico's Extended Ban of Nonessential Activities

Closure of nonessential activities in Mexico is until April 30 due to the number of coronavirus infections. However, it is now extended until May 30 through an emergency decree. Find facts you need to know about this new measure.

Mexico Warns States Not to Threaten Civilians with Prison Terms to Enforce COVID-19 Lockdown

Mexico's Interior Department warned state governments to avoid using prison terms to enforce coronavirus stay-at-home policies.
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