'Titanfall’ PC Release Date & Gameplay: 48GB Install Size a Benefit to Low-Spec Computer Users - How?

Respawn's lead engineer, Richard Baker, explained that the reason behind "Titanfall's" large installation requirement is to allow the game to run smoothly on low-spec PC units.

Titanfall Release on PC, Xbox One Today: Xbox 360 and PS4 Don't Get Game, Gameplay and Download Issues Resolved

Release date for Europe is March 14 There will be several different dates for the release of Titanfall. In the United States, it will be on March 11, while in Europe it will be on March 14.

EA Sports UFC Release Date, Gameplay & Roster: PC Launch May Happen Soon, But Wii U Not in the Picture

Although a PC version of "EA Sports UFC" is possible, developers explain that the game will not be arriving on the Wii U console because it can't handle its technical requirements.

GTA 5 & GTA Online DLC Update: Business Attire, Vehicles, Weapons & Other New Features

The update is the latest for DLC On March 4, GTA Online and GTA 5 of Rockstar will have a business-themed update. This change will add several new vehicles, costumes and weapons to the game.

PS4 vs Xbox One: 'Titanfall’ Needs More Than 60GB to Install?

Titanfall's PC version requires a whopping 21GB of space to download and 48GB to install. Gamers are getting pretty excited with the release of "Titanfall" just around the corner.

Xbox Titanfall Bundle Release Date, Price and News: Launch for Both Xbox One, 360, and PC Scheduled for Next Month

The game launches March 11 for Xbox One and PC When the game finally launches on March 11, Microsoft will be selling a limited edition Titanfall Xbox One bundle that includes a standard black Xbox One, the Kinect, a wireless controller, wired headset, a download code for Titanfall, and a one month subscription to Xbox Live Gold for $499.

Sochi Winter Olympics 2014: Live Stream the Winter Games Online Via Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac and PC

The Sochi 2014 Olympics started yesterday. Of course, the best way to enjoy the Winter Games is on a big screen television sitting on a comfy couch, but unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to do so. Even if you are on the go or without cable during the Olympics, you can still enjoy the games from a PC, Mac, Android device, iPhone, iPad or iPod.

NBA 2K14 PS4 & Xbox One Mods, Patches, Gameplay, Review: 5 Million Games Sold Since Release

NBA 2K14 has sold about as well as the next-gen consoles that gamers have played it on since the tail end of 2013.

Batman Arkham Origins Gameplay and Review: Despite Superb Controls and Action, Nothing New to See Here

In Batman: Arkham Origins you play as the Dark Knight himself during the early days of his crime fighting double-life.

Xbox One Release Date, Price, Games & News: Cross-Platform Gaming Coming to Xbox One and PC?

Are gamers asking for too much when they suggest that video game consoles should be able to link with PC games to create cross-platform competition? It depends on whom you talk to, but Microsoft is looking into the idea of cross-platform competition in various ways, not just head-to-head direct gaming.

GTA 5 PC Release Date, Features and Review: Windows Version of Grand Theft Auto 5 Debuts First Quarter 2014

Next year, gamers will be able to shoot prostitutes and steal computers in Grand Theft Auto 5 for PC, Eurogamer reports.