time warner cable

Charter Gets Time Warner Cable Merger Approval, But the FCC Has Some Conditions

Charter won approval for its proposed merger only if it agrees to some terms and conditions imposed from the FCC and Justice Department.

Dish, T-Mobile Merger News: Companies Reportedly Setting Up Talks For Possible Merger or Partnership

Dish Network and T-Mobile have hinted at combining forces for years. Now, the satellite TV provider and the nation's No. 4 wireless carrier are in early talks for a possible merger.

Charter Communications Proposes to Purchase Time Warner Cable in $55 Billion Deal

U.S. cable operator Charter Communications announced on Tuesday that it has struck a $55.3 billion deal to buy Time Warner Cable .

Comcast Gives in, Unlocks Access to ‘HBO Go’ and ‘Showtime Anytime’ for Amazon Fire TV Users

Cable giant Comcast finally gives its customers access to their HBO and Showtime subscriptions via Amazon streaming devices.

The DOJ and Consumer Advocates Applaud Comcast's Decision to Walk Away From $45.2B Deal With Time Warner Cable

After facing major opposition and scrutiny, Comcast Corp. announced on Friday that it is ending its $45.2 billion merger agreement with Time Warner Cable.

Comcast - Time Warner Cable Merger Fails: What Does That Mean for Latinos and the Future?

Comcast has relinquished its bid to buy Time Warner Cable, dropping a proposed merger deal between the two largest cable companies in the U.S. estimated at about $45 billion.

Rev. Al Sharpton MSNBC TV Show Ratings: Lawsuit Accuses Host, Comcast & Time Warner Cable of Being Racist Against Black-Owned Media

The Rev. Al Sharpton, National Urban League and Comcast and Time Warner Cable have been hit with a damning $20 billion lawsuit that accuses the parties of racially discriminating against black-owned media outlets.

FCC Pauses Both AT&T-DirecTV and Comcast-Time Warner Mergers

Two big merger reviews have come to a screeching halt as the FCC announced that it was pausing its "shot clock" for both the AT&T-DirecTV and Comcast-Time Warner Cable deals.

Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger: FCC Puts Deal on Hold for Three Weeks

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced last Friday that it has put a temporary hold on proceedings considering a merger between Comcast and Time Warner Cable.

Comcast-Time Warner Merger Decision Delayed in NY

Comcast's attempt to acquire Time Warner Cable has been delayed as New York regulators announced Monday that they would delay their verdict on the acquisition by over one month.

Comcast-Time Warner Merger: FCC Promotes Competition, Comcast Not Worried

As federal regulators saddle up to the job of poring over a potential merger between cable giants Comcast and Time Warner Cable, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler delivered a speech last week that seemed to strike a dagger into the heart of the deal. Comcast, however, doesn't seem to think so.

Comcast Time Warner Cable Merger: New Arguments Emerge Against Proposed Buyout

This summer is a landmark period for the evolving Internet in the U.S., with new Open Internet rules being considered by the FCC and a couple of big media mergers being debated. Recently, a few new arguments against the biggest merger on the table -- that of Comcast, the nation's largest cable provider, to the second largest, Time Warner Cable -- have emerged from Dish Network, Netflix, and the response to an Internet outage.

Time Warner Cable Internet Outage Makes Merger with Comcast Harder

Following the loss of Internet service to millions nationwide early Wednesday, many are now ramping up the opposition to a Time Warner and Comcast merger.

Time Warner Cable is Back Online After Massive Internet Outages

Early Wednesday morning Internet services for TWC Time Warner Cable (TWC) customers nationwide were without Internet service early Wednesday morning for almost two hours.

House Representatives Want More Independent Latino Channels After Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger

Fifty-three House lawmakers wrote a letter to Comcast and Time Warner Cable asking the cable companies to offer more Latino-owned channels after their potential merger.

Comcast-Time Warner Merger Reviewed in New York; Is This Good for Latinos?

New York City comptroller Scott Stringer told the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) Monday that in order for a Comcast-Time Warner merger to go through, the state requires a promise of better Internet service.

Time Warner Deal: 21st Century Fox Nixes $80 Billion Bid From Rupert Murdoch

The $80 billion bid on Time Warner Inc. made by 21st Century Fox in recent weeks has been rebuffed. The $80 billion bid on Time Warner Inc. made by 21st Century Fox in recent weeks has been rebuffed.

We Love Our Smartphones And Hate ISPs, Especially TWC and Comcast - ASCI Report

Some common attitudes in our culture are pretty evident to anyone: Go out anywhere and strike up a conversation about mobile tech and the internet, and you'll discover most people love their devices, but have no love for the companies that provide service to them. This week, the American Consumer Satisfaction Index confirmed everyone's suspicions: we love our smartphones, but hate subscription TV and ISPs.

Time Warner Merger, Comcast X1 Cable Service Brings Faster Internet Speeds: Plan Will Upgrade $99 Triple Play Package in NYC, LA Markets

Once merger is complete with Time Warner, Comcast wants to make X1 available. Comcast is aiming to deliver its advanced X1 cable service to New York and Los Angeles in an attempt to build a strong presence on the East and West coasts.

Comcast/TWC Merger: Netflix Announces Opposition, Subscription Fee Increase in Underwood-Like Maneuver

The public fight over Comcast video streaming fees, its possible Time Warner Cable merger, and Netflix just got more heated. On Monday, Netflix announced it would raise subscriber fees (as predicted, but only for new users), and simultaneously voiced strong opposition to the proposed Comcast buy-out of TWC.

Comcast's Competitors? Cable Giant Arguing For TWC Merger - Part 5: Contradictions and Paradoxes

Comcast put forth an argument this week in favor of its merger with TWC. In the final of a five part series, we look at contradictions in Comcast's argument.