Microsoft recently said that their Xbox gaming consoles have done significant works that no other gaming consoles dare to do, including a few features that are actually unavailable to other gaming consoles.
"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" has released its Beta version to PS4, and there are several reasons why fans of the game should pay attention to some significant changes on the game itself. Beta codes are now available online
Are you excited about the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus (or maybe iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, depending on Apple's naming whims)? Now it looks like the three most important release dates for September 2015 iPhone 6S mania are nearly guaranteed as confirmed, thanks to leaks and Apple's history.
The third generation Motorola Moto X "Style" (or "Pure Edition" in the U.S.) and the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 were announced in quick succession recently. So which comes out on top? Here's a rundown to help you decide.
Galaxy Note 5 goes on sale Friday. The best display ever for a smartphone is coming to stores Friday. The Samsung Galaxy Note 5's quad HD beats out all the current smartphones in display tests, Tech Radar reports.
The processor that will be used in the upcoming iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus is expected to be 20 to 30 percent faster than the processor used in the iPhone 6.
Customers will start to realize how much smartphones really cost Sprint is following Verizon and T-Mobile by getting rid of two-year contracts and phone subsidies.
NBA 2K16 will feature an all new mode called Pro-Am Mode, which will take players' characters from the MyPlayer mode and put them into a customizable game with other online players.
Gamespot will be giving away "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" beta codes to a few of their registered members. The upcoming game will be PS4-exclusive in Japan.
Microsoft's Windows 10 has revised its agreement, adding the capacity to detect and disable pirated games. This inclusion has significantly enabled Microsoft's Xbox Live to get the full protection against pirated and counterfeited games.
New modes have been added to the latest "Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection." The remodeled series has gone through an extensive development, and the added modes seem to surpass the most difficult stages among its previous versions.
Game developer Atlus has recently confirmed that "Persona 5" will be released this year. North America will get a first hand on the video while its European launch is still in limbo.