Minecraft is an epic sandbox video game in which players build anything they want out of blocks. "Minecraft: Pocket Edition" is an epic sandbox video game in which players build anything they want out of blocks.
Microsoft ultrabooks are trying to beat out MacBooks, can they? Windows-based laptops are trying their best to keep up with Apple's MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.
Pangu tool allows jailbreaking of latest iOS. Even though it was just released, Apple iOS 7. 1. 2 already has a jailbreak ready thanks to Chinese hackers and the Pangu tool.
Standalone Kinect device will cost $199. Soon PC users will be able to add a Kinect 2. 0 device to their computers, and they won't need an Xbox One to use it.
Watch for improved graphics. Virtually no news has been heard about the next installment of Gears of War, and not even a mention was made during the E3 gaming conference where many gamers expected an announcement or at least a hint from Microsoft about what to expect.
The future of technology Browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are both planning to add special features in order to allow virtual reality support in their services.
Apple is going for status symbol. The competition for the smartwatch market has been growing as more tech companies join in the production of all sorts of wearable tech gadgets, but Apple is still nowhere to be found in the arena.
"Ordinary" Internet users' messages being intercepted. Most of the conversations and emails being monitored and intercepted by the National Security Agency are harmless Internet users and not those of dangerous terrorists, according to a published report.
From 3D Printers to now Espresso machines, this space-age coffee maker will be made exclusively for the astronauts at the International Space Station (ISS).
Pick up one of these games. FIFA 14 World Cup games are getting fewer as the games draw closer to the final rounds, and fans may not be getting enough of the soccer craze.
This week, the “study hit the fan” for Facebook, as the world of online media picked up on the controversial Facebook emotion research that we reported early last Saturday and a privacy group filed a formal complaint with the FTC. Meanwhile, Twitter could introduce an integrated “Buy Now” button, Vine added “Loop Counts” and YouTube was found to be more popular than television.
Even with the Supreme Court limiting cell phone searches with last week's ruling, if you're stopped at the border, the Fourth Amendment still doesn't apply.
HTC has a consistent lineup of smartphones. The Taiwanese developer of smartphones and tablets, HTC, aims to work its way back into the competitive market of high-end smartphones following the strong release of Samsung's Galaxy earlier this May.
The Fourth of July is almost upon us, and like any summer celebration, it's a great opportunity to hang out with friends outdoors, listen to music, set off some fireworks, maybe do some grilling, and show off some new gadgets you bought just for the occasion. Here are some of the coolest and most useful, gadgets for keeping the music flowing during 2014's Fourth of July.
How to get a refund from T-Mobile if you've been a victim of cramming charges. It's recently come out that T-Mobile has been perpetuating a series of "bogus charges" against its customers that has resulted in the skimming of hundreds of millions of dollars -- at least that's what the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says.