Trending News

Young Latina Comedian Impresses 'America's Got Talent' Judges With Donald Trump Joke

The 13-year-old comedian got a standing ovation for her audition and was compared to a young Tina Fey by Simon Cowell.

Fox Sports Reporter Makes Racist Comments About Mexicans, Minority Groups

Emily Austen was caught making ignorant and racist comments about Mexicans during a discussion about Larissa Martinez, the high school valedictorian that revealed her undocumented status during her graduation speech.

Mexican Governor Says 'No One Likes Fat Girls' in Controversial Speech

The governor of Nuevo León received a lot of criticism for comments he made about young women's bodies in a speech about teen pregnancy.

Viral Video of Mother Shaving Daughter's Head Raises Argument of Discipline vs. Abuse

The video has sparked much discussion about whether some punishments just go too far. When your child is the one doing the bullying among their peers how do you discipline them? One mom took her form of discipline to an extreme.

Women in Texas Are Carrying Out Own Abortions, Crossing Into Mexico For Resources

A lot of women are crossing the border to induce their own abortions with medications that are not as accessible in the U.S.

Police Kill Walmart Shooter in Texas Days After Orlando Shooting

The man was reportedly holding hostages in a Walmart in Amarillo before he was shot and killed by police.

Robots Are Already Working as Receptionists in Hospitals

Two new robots created by Zora Robots are assisting people in hospitals in Belgium. Two hospitals in Belgium have hired new receptionists to help guide guests around the hospital and what makes them special is the fact that they aren't even human.

Baptist Pastor Praises Shooting in Orlando, Wishes More Would Have Died

The Sacramento pastor praised the killing of 50 people because of their sexual orientation and called the massacre beneficial to society.

Colgate Releases First Ad Featuring Gay Couple in Mexico

The commercial celebrates being proud of more than just a clean and white smile. American toothpaste brand, Colgate has released its first gay-inclusive commercial in Mexico, a country that has been making efforts to provide equal rights for the LGBT community.

Popular Telenovela Villain to Make a Comeback Thanks to 'Orange Is The New Black'

Actress Itatí Cantoral will be reprising her most famous role in an upcoming promotional teaser for the series.

Scientist Invents Robot That Can Choose Whether to Inflict Pain or Not

The robot, designed by Alexander Reben, can choose to prick you with a needle or not when given the opportunity.

Fox News Host Questions Fairness of Undocumented Students Getting Scholarships

Fox's Tucker Carlson and activist Jose Antonio Vargas got into a heated debate about whether undocumented students have the right to receive scholarships to attend colleges in the U.S.

Telemundo Reporter Attacked During Live Shot Near Philadelphia City Hall

The moment that the reporter was attacked by a random woman was caught on video. Telemundo 62 reporter, Iris Delgado, was wrapping up her on-camera report near Philadelphia City Hall when she was attacked and it was caught on video.

Fans on Twitter Want Gina Rodriguez to Play Marvel Hero Miss America

Several fans on social media believe that the actress should be cast as Marvel's America Chavez.

'Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon' Has President Obama 'Slow Jam the News' & Write Thank You Notes

The president showed off his great sense of humor on the popular late night show. The President of the United States made a visit to "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" and took part in a few of Fallon's most popular bits.

Jennifer Lopez And Nacho of Chino y Nacho Tease Upcoming Collaboration

The two stars revealed that they are working on new music together on social media. Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez is working on new music and that will include new collaborations, including one with Nacho of popular Latin music duo Chino y Nacho.

'Hamilton' Raises Ticket Prices, Increases Lottery Seat Number

Fans who are on a budget are going to want to try for the same-day lottery now that ticket prices will increase.

High School Valedictorian Reveals She's an Undocumented Immigrant in Powerful Speech

The teen used her valedictorian speech to tell her story and reveal the truth about her immigrant status in the U.S.

Video of Homeless Siblings Receiving a House From a Generous Businessman Goes Viral

The donor had a home built for the children, whose story he read about in a newspaper. Several homeless kids from Mexico were surprised to learn that they would have a place to sleep at night after a home was donated to them.

Latinas For Trump Hold Their First Meeting in Miami

The group showed their support for the controversial Republican nominee, despite most Latinos opposing him.