US News

CHANGING THE GAME: Daniel Lubetzky, CEO of KIND Snacks, Shares his Ingredient for Purposeful Success

"Changing the Game" is a series featuring prominent Latino changemakers and their stories of success, innovation, and vision.

Immigration Reform News: Jeb Bush Believes 'People Can Be Persuaded' on Immigration Reform [Video]

In an interview with Fox News host Megyn Kelly, Jeb Bush spoke out about his position on immigration reform, saying he believes some in the GOP base "can be persuaded" on the subject.

Monica Lewinsky Offered $1 Million by Las Vegas Museum For Blue Bill Clinton Dress

Monica Lewinsky has a standing offer of $1 million from the Las Vegas Erotic Heritage Museum for the blue dress she infamously wore during her long ago sexual encounter with then President Bill Clinton.

Obama Speaks out About Elizabeth Warren's Criticism of Trade-Pact

United States President Barack Obama spoke out about Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren's criticism on his free-trade pact with 12 Asian countries.

Congress Supports Abstinence-Only While Chlamydia Breaks Out in Latino-heavy 'Abstinence-Only' Texas High School

House Speaker John Boehner and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi negotiated and passed a bipartisan $200 billion Medicare bill that quietly increased funding for abstinence-only programs. However, ignorance bred in abstinence-only education could've contributed to the chlamydia outbreak among students in an abstinence-only West Texas high school.

Miley Cyrus Teams With Legendary Rocker Joan Jett and Transgender Rocker Laura Jane Grace

Cyrus, Jett and Grace team up for a "Backyard Session" to promote transgender equality. Miley Cyrus has been a vocal supporter of LGBT rights and lately, following the launch of her anti-homelessness and pro-LGBT Happy Hippie Foundation, she has been making strides to promote the effort.

Immigration News: Top Prosecutor in North Carolina Refuses to Grant Temporary Visas to Latinos Who Are Victimized by Other Latinos

A North Carolina prosecutor is under fire for refusing to grant temporary visas to undocumented Latino immigrant crime victims if they are victimized by another Latino.

Freddie Gray Shooting: Top Ranking Officer Reportedly Has 'History of Erratic Behavior,' Once Mentally Evaluated

The Baltimore police officer who first "locked eyes" with Freddie Gray, prompting cops to chase and apprehend him in the arrest ending in his death, once tried to use his power to have a man involved with his ex-wife arrested.

Why The Appeals Court Ruling Against NSA Domestic Spying Programs Comes At a Key Moment for Patriot Act

The tide seems to be turning against the U.S. National Security Agency's domestic surveillance programs, two years after Edward Snowden leaked controversial details on the agency's digital spying practices.

NYPD Shooting: Thousands Attend Funeral for Police Officer Brian Moore

Thousands mourned the death of slain NYPD Officer Brian Moore at his funeral on Friday. Thousands mourned the death of slain NYPD Officer Brian Moore at his funeral on Friday.

Chicago Police DUI Checkpoints Overwhelmingly Target Black and Latino Communities, Chicago Tribune Investigation Finds

New reports reveal that DUI checkpoints ran by the Chicago Police Department predominantly target black and Latino neighborhoods.

Immigration Reform News: Justice Department Says it 'Erroneously' Issued Work Permits After Judge Stalled Obama's Immigration Action

U.S. officials admitted that the federal government "erroneously" issued three-year work permits to about 2,000 people under President Obama's executive immigration action, despite the fact that a court order has delayed the plan's implementation.

More Women in U.S. Having Children, But Latino Family Size Still Dropping - Pew

Childlessness is so passé. There have been increases in large families among highly educated women. Yet, there has been a decrease in the number of large families within the Latino population.

San Francisco Police Under Investigation, 3,000 Cases Reviewed After Racist Email Exchanges Uncovered

Prosecutors in San Francisco have empaneled a team of three retired judges to review the work of 14 members of the police force after uncovering a string of racist and anti-gay text messages they are accused of exchanging.

Latino Restaurant Owner Plans to Hold 'White Appreciation Day,' Offering Discount to White Americans Only

The owners of a Colorado barbecue restaurant is being criticized for creating a "White Appreciation Day" promotion that will offer a 10 percent discount to white Americans only.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter Confirms The Government Will Not Take Over Texas

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter confirmed that conspiracy theories that the federal government is planning to take over Texas through the military's largest training exercise are false.

U.S. Latin America Policies: Marco Rubio Challenges Obama's Cuba, Colombia Policies

Republican White House hopeful Marco Rubio on Tuesday challenged President Barack Obama on a wide range of issues surrounding his administration's Latin America policies, the Florida senator's office said in a statement.

Surrogacy Nightmate: California Couple Lack Birth Cerificate, Cannot Return to US With Newborn

A California couple who traveled to Mexico for a surrogate birth has been unable to obtain a local birth certificate for their newborn son, which has made it impossible for them to return the United States.

11-Month-Old Baby Found Inside a Nebraska Dumpster Wearing Only Diaper

Nebraska police say an 11-month-old boy wearing only a diaper was found in a dumpster in a La Vista apartment complex on Wednesday evening.

Police Video Shows White Delaware Officer Kicking Black Man in the Face [Watch]

Delaware police released video footage on Thursday of a white officer kicking a black man in the face and knocking him unconscious as he appeared to be complying with the cop's orders.
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