US News

Star Trek Online: Original ‘Star Trek’ Actress Grace Lee Whitney Dies at Age 85

Whitney, known for her role as Yeoman Janice Rand, passed away in her California home. The actress worked on the original "Star Trek" series as well as various films of the franchise.

NYPD Shooting: Suspect in Queens Police Shooting Denied Bail, as NYPD Officer Continues 'Fighting for His Life'

A man was arraigned in a Queens court on Sunday and ordered to be held without bail for allegedly shooting an NYPD officer in the head on Saturday.

Jeb Bush's Unofficial Presidential 2016 Campaign Shows Significant Focus on the Latino Community

Potential presidential candidate Jeb Bush is reaching out to the Latino community. He spoke in fluent Spanish at a conference this week, CBS Local reports according to AP.

California State Senate President Kevin de León Says He is Being Singled out Because he is Latino

California State Senate President Kevin de León tells La Opinion that he is being singled out in the media because he is a Latino politician.

Presidential Candidates 2016: Which Candidates Speak Spanish?

In the upcoming presidential race it is obvious that voters are going to want to go for the candidate who understands all the issues, but, with roughly 54 million Latinos calling the U.S. home, it would be prudent for any serious candidate to understand Spanish as well.

Colombian Grandmother Graduates From College at 79

The phrase “It’s never too late to learn” seems like a worn out cliche -- that is until you come up against someone like Rosa Salgado, a 79-year-old grandmother who moved to Miami from Colombia in 1995 and graduated this Saturday from Miami Dade College with honors, earning her associate of arts degree in education.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Lifts Curfew Order

The city of Baltimore has lifted a five-day curfew and government officials are planning to draw down a force of national guardsman, all stemming from the recent death and subsequent protests in the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray while in police custody.

Fewer Latinos Being Admitted to Colleges, New Studies Show

Latinos appear to still be looking from the outside in when it comes to getting college degrees, according to the latest figures.

Man to be Charged with Attempted Murder for Shooting NYPD Officer in the Head

Officials say the man accused of shooting an NYPD officer will be arraigned on Sunday on charges that include attempted murder of an officer, according to the Associated Press.

Miss Universe Paulina Vega Talks Stamping out AIDS in Latino Community

Reigning Miss Universe Paulina Vegas is planning to work with Latino Commission on AIDS to stamp out the virus in the Latino community, New York Daily News reports.

'The State of Higher Education in California' Report Teaches How the State's Economy Depends on the Educational Success of Latinos

“The State of Higher Education in California,” a report designed by the Campaign for College Opportunity, addresses the future of California’s economy depends on the educational success of Latinos.

Hillary Clinton Devising Plan to Deal With Mounting Student Loan Debt

Recently declared Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is already in the midst of formulating a plan to tackle the nation's mounting student debt crisis.

China Passes Mexico As Top Source of New US Immigrants

According to a Census Bureau study conducted primarily by researcher Eric Jensen, China was named the country of origin for 147,000 recent U.S. immigrants in 2013. India came in second with 129,000 immigrants. So both countries beat out Mexico which sent, according to the latest research, just 125,000 immigrants to the U.S..

Social Media Sunday: Facebook's 'Instant Articles,' Meerkat Buy-Out Rumors & Twitter's in Big Trouble

A roundup of all the week's social media news you may have missed. This week in social media, Facebook proposes "Instant Articles," a revenue-sharing plan aimed at news sites and publishers that are terrified of Facebook's popularity as a news destination.

Jeb Bush Hires Marco Rubio’s Friend and Former Aide for Campaign’s Hispanic Outreach

Although it's still very early in the 2016 presidential race, things are already heating up in the Republican Party.

Pope Francis Defends Controversial Hispanic Missionary Set to Become Saint

On Saturday, during a homily at a Rome seminary for the training of future priests from North America, Pope Francis praised the work and spiritual qualities of Rev. Junipero Serra The Pontiff is set to elevate the Spanish native to sainthood in a ceremony in Washington, D.C. in Sept. 23.

May Day Protests: Demonstrators in Southern California Demand Immigration Rights and Higher Wages

Thousands of protesters marched through the streets of Southern California, demanding higher wages and immigration rights on May Day.

Morgan Freeman Lashes Out at Cable News Media Over Baltimore Coverage

Morgan Freeman is taking national cable news outlets to task over what he views as their suspect coverage of the ongoing protests in Baltimore.

Florida Woman Sends Angry Texts Message About 'Driving Drunk' and Death Moments Before Fatal Car Crash

A young Florida woman sent her ex-boyfriend disturbingly prophetic text messages just moments before she got into a fatal car crash.

6 Baltimore Police Officers Charged in the Death Freddie Gray

Maryland State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced on Friday that the six officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray will face criminal charges.
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