
Meet the 13-Year-Old Boy Who Earns Graduates With Four Asssociate Degrees from California City College

A 13-year-old boy from California City College graduates with four associate degrees making him the youngest to graduate in Fullerton College.

COVID-19 Cases Swells in Latin America, 215 Million Will Be Pushed Into Poverty By the End of 2020

The number of COVID-19 cases and the death toll in Latin American countries continue to swell and not dropping despite their strict measures.

USGS Scientists Find Undiscovered Seafloor Faults Following Devastating Puerto Rico Quakes

Southern Puerto Rico was hit by a series of massive, devastating earthquakes that began late December in 2019. The quakes, which included a magnitude 6.4 in early January, shocked seismologists. After thorough research, they may have found out why.

Going Back to The Office: Mexico’s Plans

Read on to find out about the plans for employees going back to work in Mexico. The coronavirus had caused a lot of changes to the world, including Mexico.

Unidentified Shooters Attack Daughter of Murdered Mexican Journalist Despite Government Protection

Mexican authorities are being called to launch an investigation after unidentified shooters attacked the daughter of murdered Mexican journalist, Maria Elena Ferral, in broad daylight in Veracruz.

Narco-Terrrorism: Former Ally of President Maduro Was Charged for Flooding Cocaine in US

Former lawmaker and ally of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro was charged in New York City for the alleged conspiracy of flooding cocaine in the U.S.

Will Blood From COVID-19 Survivors Help Us Win Against the Virus?

Many doctors and researchers are conducting experimental plasma therapy on COVID-19 patients. Is it an effective treatment for the coronavirus?

As Lopez Obrador Holds Back, Local Governments Speed up COVID-19 Measures

Experts argue that Mexico's Lopez Obrador is continuing to dismiss the danger of the COVID-19 outbreak as it seeks to protect the economy.
The 10 Reasons Why Moving to Sacramento is the Right Choice

The 10 Reasons Why Moving to Sacramento is the Right Choice

When you think of California, you probably think of the ocean and beaches. (Photo : The 10 Reasons Why Moving to Sacramento is the Right Choice) 1. Sacramento is Less Than 100 Miles from the Coast When you think of California, you probably think of the ocean and beaches.
Workers carry a coffin outside of the crematorium at Angel Cemetery, where victims of COVID-19 are cremated in Lima, Peru.

Health Official Says, Latin America is Now the Pandemic’s Epicenter

On Tuesday, the Pan American Health Organization or PAHO said, Latin America has surpassed the United States and Europe in terms of the daily number of reported COVID-19 cases.

Mexico Seeing More Deaths Than in the Last Four Years: Study Shows Official Numbers May Be Undercounting

A report published by a local magazine estimated that 37% more death certificates were issued in April 2020 than the average of that month in the past four years. As coronavirus cases continue to rise in Mexico, the federal government is already making plans on reopening the economy.

Maquiladora Workers Reveal Fatal Spread of COVID-19 Infection in Matamoros Mexico

A maquiladora factory, Schumex-Schumacher worker recently informed World Socialist Web Site the car battery charger maker is obliging them to work even with the COVID-19 outbreak at the factory which has 300 employees.

WHO Pauses Global Trials: Is Hydroxychloroquine effective for COVID-19 Patients?

The World Health Organization announced that they are temporarily suspending the global trials for hydroxychloroquine following the new study showing that it has a high mortality rate.

Latino Workers Suffer Discrimination over Spread of COVID-19 in Meat Warehouses and Plants

Over 10,000 meatpacking laborers, many of them, Latin Americans, the United Food and Commercial Workers union said, have contracted the virus in the US, and dozens of them have died.

12 Suspected Members of the New Jalisco Generation Cartel Found Tortured and Burned

Police authorities in Michoacan, Mexico found 12 burned bodies of suspected members of New Jalisco Generation Cartel.

United States Suspended Travel From Brazil During the Growing Outbreak of COVID-19

Travel measures take effect on May 28 while excluding American citizens green card holders as well as family members.

Pepsico Foundation Donates Over $7 Million for a Program to Help Support Communities of Color

PepsiCo, Inc. and its charity group The PepsiCo Foundation launched a $7 million program that aimed to provide aid to communities of color in the country for relief and recovery amid the pandemic.

Hospitals Under Strain: Chile's President Says their 'Healthcare System is Very Close to the Limit'

President Sebastian Pinera said that the country's healthcare system is "very close to the limit" due to the rapid increase of COVID-19 infections.

Horrfying Reality: Doctors Struggle to Save Lives But Bolsonaro's Focus is on Economy and Not Health

In Brazil, doctors struggle to save lives but the country's president Jair Bolsonaro focuses more on the economy and urging businesses to reopen amid the swelling cases and death toll in the country.

COVID-19 Lockdown Crippled Drug Cartels Costing Them Millions of Dollars

Nationwide lockdown measures have crippled the activities of the smugglers, making it even harder to launder money and transfer cash from across the border.
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