
Pope Francis Sets up Tribunal to Hear Child Molestation Cases

Taking unprecedented action regarding the catholic church’s past struggles with charges of child molestation, Pope Francis has just announced the creation of a tribunal listen to cases of bishops who have been accused of covering up pedophile acts conducted by priests.

Dinosaur Fossils: Blood Cells Found in 75 Million-Year-Old Fossils

Scientists have discovered decayed bones, flesh, skin and organs of dinosaurs that are millions of years old. Now, there is evidence of blood cells with protein intact.

Colombia Helps Indigenous People Switch from Producing Coca to Coffee

The Kogi and the Colombian government are coming together to put a halt to the mass production of coca leaves.

Mexico Gets its First Independent Governor and the PRI Party Is Still in the Majority

Jaime "El Bronco" Rodríguez, a colorful candidate who is known for wearing cowboy boots and having no problem cursing, won his seat in the prosperous northern state of of Nuevo León , receiving 49 percent of the votes.

Princess Charlotte Photos: Kensington Palace Shares Official Pictures of Royal Baby

Kensington palace has released the official photos of the adorable Princess Charlotte, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Could Probiotics or Bacteriotherapy One Day Help Giant Pandas Adapt to Their Bamboo Diet?

A group of scientists in China studied the metabolic pattern of pandas, in relation to their food source, and what they found was that pandas aren't like typical herbivores. Their gut bacteria is actually not capable of properly digesting their steady diets of bamboo and, in fact, pandas are more similar to their cousins, omnivorous mammals like the black bear.

Venezuela News: Former Spanish Prime Minister Arrives in Caracas to Help Jailed Opposition Leaders

Felipe Gonzalez, former prime minister of Spain, has gone to Venezuela in order help the troubled leaders of the right wing opposition party win their freedom back after being arrested by the Maduro administration.

Hurricane Blanca: Tropical Storm Threatens Central Baja California with Flooding Rain

Hurricane Blanca has been downgraded to a tropical storm, but it is still slamming Mexico's Baja California penninsula with flooding rains.

Latino Voters Are Crucial To the Environmental Movement; Studies Prove Most Consider Climate Change 'Very' Important

A new study has revealed that in that 80% of Latino voters polled in the 2014 Election Eve Poll believed that it was “extremely” or “very” important for the federal government to take measures in order to reduce the carbon pollution that is causing climate change

Republicans Try to Use Spending Bills to Stop Obama's Plans For Cuba

Opponents of Obama's otherwise lauded plan to reestablish diplomatic relations with Cuba are trying to use must-pass funding bills to limit Obama's ability to expand trade and travel with the communist island.

U.S. Helicopter Shot at From Mexican Side of the Border

On Friday, after being struck by gunfire originating from the Mexican side of the border U.S.-Mexico border, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection helicopter had to make an emergency landing in the Texas city of Laredo.

Third Frozen Body Discovered on Mexico's Pico de Orizaba

Mountaineers climbing Pico de Orizaba, Mexico’s highest mountain, have just come across the mummified body of an unidentified young man.

New Argentinian Law Requires Clowns for Public Hospitals

Argentina has just past a new law that requires specially trained clowns to be available in an effort to help treat young patients.

Mexico Sends in Troops to Counter Violence Before mid-Term Elections

As Mexico’s mid-term elections have drawn near, the county has been awash in violence. Mayoral candidates as well as at least a dozen campaign workers or activists have been murdered and thousands of ballots have been burned.

New Report Accuses Red Cross of Mishandling $500M in Donations to Help Haiti

Following the massive earthquake that stuck Haiti in 2010, a new report from ProPublica and NPR revealed that the American Red Cross (ARC) has only managed to build six permanent homes with the $500 million in donations that they raised towards the Haiti relief effort.

Former Guantanamo Bay Detainee Marries Uruguayan

The 50-year-old El Ouerghi has just wed a 24-year-old Uruguayan convert to Islam named Roma Blanco.

Belmont Stakes 2015: Victor Espinoza on American Pharoah: 'He's the Star, I'm Just the Pilot' [EXCLUSIVE]

"It's all about him. He's the star and he's going to put on the show. I am just the pilot," said Jockey Victor Espinoza of the Triple Crown contender, American Pharoah."And whatever makes him happy, that's going to be it. If he's not happy he's not going to perform. American Pharoah has to be in a good mood," Espinoza said at the unveiling of the commemorative original painting entitled "American Pharaoh" ("The Dream Team") by artist Susan Sommer-Luarca at KTCHN at The OUT Hotel in New York last week.

Brazilian Banker Sings and Plays Guitar While Getting Brain Tumor Removed

Anthony Dias, a banker has been playing the guitar for 20 years, belted out a total of six songs while the doctors performed surgery to remove his brain tumor.

Venezuelan Native Chef Franco Robazetti Combines Italian/Spanish Heritage with German Flair at Zeppelin Hall in Jersey City

SABOR: Venezuelan Native Chef Franco Robazetti Combines Italian/Spanish Heritage with German Flair at Zeppelin Hall Restaurant, Biergarten, & Bar in Jersey City

Newly Discovered Marsupials Do Themselves To Death

Would you die for sex? Two newly discovered marsupial species most definitely would, and do on a regular basis. Two new species have been discovered in Australia that have sex for 14 hours and then die because of it.
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