As part of a program aimed at modernizing Russia’s military, President Vladimir Putin has announced that he will add over 40 inter-continental ballistic missiles to his nation’s defense.
As the U.S. and Venezuela seek to normalize their diplomatic relations, a group of American and Venezuelan officials met over the weekend in Haiti, taking the opportunity to overcome their differences. However, officials on both sides have not divulged many details about the bilateral talks.
Mexico announced it will be launching its first mission to the moon in 2018. Mexico announced it will be launching its first mission to the moon in 2018.
Jozef Wesolowski, the 66-year-old former Vatican ambassador to the Dominican Republic has been charged with sexually abusing young boys in the Caribbean country as well as having child pornography on his computer.
The Obama administration's plans to complete efforts to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba in early July may run into trouble in Congress, where Republicans would have to approve funding to upgrade the U.S. Interests Section in Havana to a full-scale Embassy.
According to the Sunday Times, Britain has been compelled to pull out agents from live operations in some countries after Russia and China cracked top-secret information contained in files leaked by former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, the 31-year old fled to seek protection from Vladimir Putin.
The Colombian military has announced that Farc rebels have shot and killed three police officers who were out patrolling a stretch of highway. After this attack, Farc went on to bring down an electricity pylon, an act which cut off the power to nearly half a million people in the southern region of Caqueta
King Felipe VI of Spain has removed the title from from his sister 50-year-old sister.
According to Princess Cristina’s attorney, she had asked the king to remove her title. The royal palace however has stated that the king made the decision before seeing her request.
Next month, President Barack Obama is expected to announce an agreement with Cuba that will allow each country to reopen embassies in the other's capital.
Brazil's tourism minister is pushing for a relaxation of his country's visa requirements ahead of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Henrique Eduardo Alves insisted that the step would be beneficial to help develop the Brazilian tourism sector.
Mexico will assist American authorities investigating a June 5 a shooting attack on a U.S. Customs and Border Protection helicopter, the country's Foreign Relations Department said on Thursday.
What do you get when you post over 200 cameras across an African savanna? A whole lot of pictures and a tremendous amount of data, all of which must be analyzed and catalogued for use in research. So the scientists conducting the project, Snapshot Serengeti, turned to a reliable work force to sort through the masses by enlisting a dedicated corps of volunteers.
It's just a shark. OK, it's a really big shark, possibly the largest ever captured on camera. And since Mauricio Padilla posted his close encounter with the behemoth on Facebook, it's been viewed more than three million times by folks who can't seem to get enough of internet animals.
Up to 450 additional U.S. troops will head to Iraq to train local security forces in their war against ISIS, the terrorist group that controls large swaths of territory across that nation and neighboring Syria.
After spending nearly $60,000 on cosmetic surgery to transform himself into a human Ken doll, Celso Santebañes died earlier this month at the age of 20 from a rare blood cancer.