
Immigration Reform News: GOP Lawmakers Abandon 'Sanctuary City' Bill

Senate legislation addressing "sanctuary cities" hit a roadblock in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

GOP Debate Watch Parties: RNC Hispanic Team Organizes 76 House Parties Across Key Latino States

Millions of Americans are set to watch the second Republican presidential primary debate and to further the GOP’s Latino outreach, the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) Hispanic staff organized 76 debate watch parties.

2016 Election Polls: Trump Leads, But Ben Carson Makes Gains in New Hampshire

Although Donald Trump has maintained a significant lead over the other 15 Republican contenders running in the 2016 presidential election, a new poll showed retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is hot on his trail in New Hampshire.

GOP Debate 2015: 5 Things Latinos Should Know For Republican Debate Tonight

The second Republican presidential primary debate is tonight, and the show could set new records for cable news. Two debates are set for Wednesday evening in California, where Latinos are the majority.

Blanca Borrego Arrest: Undocumented Woman Enters a Healthcare Clinic, Leaves in Handcuffs

An undocumented woman entered a health care clinic, and two hours later, she was ushered out wearing handcuffs simply because she had a fake ID.

Donald Trump for President Backlash: Joe Biden Slams Trump's 'Xenophobia'

Still toying with a 2016 White House bid, Vice President Joe Biden slammed Republican front-runner Donald Trump over the tycoon's views on immigration on Tuesday.

Immigration Reform News: President Obama Blasts GOP Candidates for Using 'Anti-immigrant Sentiment'

President Barack Obama blasted Republicans running in the 2016 presidential race for using anti-immigrant rhetoric, which he said is "un-American."

Hispanic Heritage Month Perfect Backdrop For GOP Debate, Latino Congressman Becerra Says

For one Latino congressman, Hispanic Heritage Month provides a perfect backdrop for the second Republican presidential debate.

Hispanic Heritage Month Brings Bipartisan Recognition of Latinos' US Impact

Democrats and Republicans have united to recognize National Hispanic Heritage Month. Democrats and Republicans have united to recognize National Hispanic Heritage Month Ahead of second Republican presidential primary debate, former Florida Gov.

Hillary Clinton Impersonates Donald Trump

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton took a humorous route on Monday, when she mocked her Republican counterpart, Donald Trump, by impersonating the tycoon during a campaign stop in Iowa.

Immigration News Today: Donald Trump Insists US Is 'Dumping Ground,' Immigration Laws Need Change

Donald Trump branded the U.S. the new "dumping ground for the world" and unapologetically lamented illegal immigration has to be stopped during a fiery campaign speech in Dallas on Monday.

Latino Voters Rally Against Donald Trump, Clash With Supporters

Hundreds of Latinos protested against Donald Trump's immigration policy ideas after his downtown Dallas rally.

GOP Latino Outreach: Republicans Recognize Hispanic Heritage Month 2015

The frontrunner for the GOP's 2016 presidential nomination may have antagonized Latinos with his anti-Mexican comments, but the Republican National Committee (RNC) is trying to reach out to the critical constituency during Hispanic Heritage Month.

Bernie Sanders Events: Cornel West Opens for Sanders, Says 'He Is Going to Win' 2016 Election

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders received a hearty introduction from civil rights activist and scholar Dr. Cornel West before he addressed a crowd at Benedict College, a historically black school in Columbia, South Carolina, on Saturday.

President Obama to Make College More Affordable

President Barack Obama spoke to students in Des Moines, Iowa about making college more accessible during a town hall meeting on Monday.

Hillary Clinton Email Controversy News Update: Clinton's Deleted Emails May Still Exist on Server, Says Tech Company

The company that managed Hillary Clinton's private email server, during her tenture as U.S. secretary of state, said it has "no knowledge of the server being wiped," which means that the tens of thousands of e-mails that Clinton deleted could be recovered.

Hispanic Heritage Month 2015: President Barack Obama Proclamation Recognizes Latinos' Contribution

To start off National Hispanic Heritage Month, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation recognizing the “unique threads” made by Latinos.

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Pedro Cortés Sheds Light on Latino Vote, Online Voter Registration

Voting is one of the most fundamental and important rights for U.S. citizens, said Pennsylvania Secretary of the State Pedro Cortés, and with the Keystone Stone launching its online voter registration program, he aims to increase the registration rate of all voters, including Latinos and millennials.

Latino Lawmaker to Pope Francis: Focus on Juvenile Justice Reform in US Visit

Ahead of Pope Francis' trip to the U.S., Latino congressman Tony Cárdenas has called for the Catholic leader to address the need for juvenile justice reform.

Marco Rubio Courting Mormon Voters For White House Run

Marco Rubio is hoping his Mormon background will aide him in garnering the support of that constituency in early state voting in his run for the Oval Office.
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