“War of the Planet of the Apes” is reportedly the official title of the third prequel to the “Planet of the Apes.” Its events will take place after the tragic and telling events of “Dawn of the Planet Apes,” where Caesar said, “War has already begun. Ape started war. And human will not forgive.”
What were Latin Post.com film writer David Salazar's favorite films of 2014? Here is a run down including the honorable mentions which include "The Imitation Game," "A Most Wanted Man," "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," "Inherent Vice" and others.
With no new wide releases coming out Dec. 5, the studios have packed a full slate of films on DVD. The studios will offer alternatives to "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1," "Interstellar" and even "The Theory of Everything."
A few new releases will compete in the box office this weekend, and it may be hard to pinpoint a winner as none of the upcoming releases are major franchise pictures. As a result, last week's number one film, "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," will likely retain its crown in theaters nationwide.
When ALMA Award-winning actor Kirk Acevedo, who is of Puerto Rican and Chinese descent, got the acting gig as Carver in the action-packed thriller "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," he pondered what he would do if he were actually put in the same scenario as the film, where "a growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier."
"Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" has won the box office surpassing expectations. "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" has won the box office surpassing expectations.
"Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" is brimming with tremendous tension and emotionality. Reeves certainly pushes the emotional content to its edge, but it never devolves into manipulative sentimentality. At its core, this film is a story about family and community portrayed through wondrous acting; the top rate action is just a massive bonus in a riveting and unforgettable movie.
On July 11, a number of films will enter the market place attempting to build an audience and obtain a good box office. The week will include a franchise film and two acclaimed independent films.
Every few years, Hollywood feels the need to remake a few classic movies and re-serve them to the new generation. This time, they've decided to rework "Planet of the Apes" for the umpteenth or so time (the last time, the movie starred Mark Wahlberg)...and the results are pretty amazing!