
Dish Network Seen as Favorable T-Mobile Suitor After Sprint's Failed Merger Attempt

Dish Network is poised to be a favorable suitor to T-Mobile, say Moody's analysts, and if the second-largest satellite TV provider in the United States makes a solid bid, it could make T-Mobile a formidable force in the wireless industry.

New Android L Preview Update Brings Google Fit APIs

Android L developers with a Google Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 got a nice little update last week aimed at promoting Google's approach to health: Google Fit. Here's a quick look at what it brings.

Threat Level Thursday: More Snowden, Yahoo Encrypts, the Safest Mobile OS, and the Air Force

In this week's Threat Level Thursday we get another dose of Edward Snowden, see emails getting safer, which mobile operating system trumps the other in keeping the baddies out, and the Air Force joining the cyber fight.

FCC Announces Open Internet Roundtables, Senator Says It's Not Enough

Late last week, the Federal Communications Commission announced it was going to do a series of roundtable discussions about the Open Internet. It would be hosted in the FCC's Washington D.C. offices and streamed on the Internet. Now Senator Patrick Leahy is telling the FCC that's not enough.

Carlos Slim Launches Acceso Latino to Educate Latinos in US for Free

Following in the footsteps of other billionaire philanthropists, Carlos Slim launched Acceso Latino Tuesday in hopes of providing millions of Latinos with access to information about education, health care, job training, and more.

Candy Crush Saga: King Digital Revises Figures Amid Mobile App Earnings Decline

Candy crush is dying? King Digital Entertainment PLC, the maker of the "Candy Crush" video game, has reduced its forecast for this year. Their second quarter revenue was lower than expected based on their report issued last Tuesday, according to Investor's Business Daily.

GTA 5 Xbox One and PS4 Game: GTA V Better Than Expected for Next Gen Systems, Say Developers

GTA is going to impress a lot of gamers, creators say "Grand Theft Auto 5" has already attracted 34 million buyers on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and game creators hope that it will sell even more on the next generation consoles.

Snowden: NSA [Accidentally] Took Down Syria's Internet, Is Working on an Autonomous Cyberwar Program

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden discussed more details about the National Security Agency's past and plans with Wired, revealing that the U.S. was (inadvertently) behind a famous take-down of Syria's Internet and is planning on creating a fully-autonomous program for cyberdefense. Snowden promised that more revelations are still yet to be unearthed from his document trove, which could include a "smoking gun."

Amazon Local Register: Amazon Follows PayPal and Square, Introduces Credit Card Reader

Amazon Local Register will help small businesses accept credit cards Amazon is getting involved in the card reader business, pairing smartphones with a mobile app and their very own card reader.

Uber and Lyft: How Ride-Sharing Mobile Apps Poach Business from Each Other

Fateful hour Uber and Lyft are two San Francisco-based transportation companies that offer the same kind of service -- peer-to-peer car ride-sharing services, using a mobile application to allow customers to reach the nearest available driver faster.

iPhone and Android-Users Can Now Open Bank Accounts From Their Smartphones

There are individuals who've not only failed to embrace online banking, but have yet to open a bank account at all. Lucky for them, opening an account just got a little easier in case they change their minds, because they can now remotely open an account from the comfort of their very own smartphones.

Microsoft Xbox One Console Bundles: FIFA 15, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Assassin's Creed Unity Promos Released

They're finally here There are many things for gaming enthusiasts to celebrate and look forward to with the slew of announcements Microsoft revealed during the opening day of the convention, according to PC Magazine.

New Smartphone Release News: Samsung Confirms New Galaxy Alpha Will Be Metal

New phone will debut in September, Samsung announces. Samsung announced the Samsung Galaxy Alpha Wednesday, and they confirmed that this Galaxy will finally be built with metal instead of plastic.

'Minecraft' for PS4 & Xbox One Release Date, Price: Next-Gen Playstation Version Almost Ready to Go

Versions of Minecraft for other consoles may lag behind PlayStation 4 users, your wait for "Minecraft" is almost up. Developer of the popular sandbox game, 4J Studios, announced on Twitter that the PlayStation 4 version of "Minecraft" is done and that means it likely still will be released this month, according to IGN.

Common Cause NY Opposes Comcast-Time Warner Merger

A merger between Comcast and Time Warner now faces another hurdle in the state of New York as advocacy group Common Cause filed a formal complaint with the Public Service Commission (PSC) against the deal going through.

Android Gains vs. iOS in Enterprise Market

Google's Android mobile operating system continues to make gains against Apple's iOS, and this time the open source code seems have to have a dent in the enterprise market.

California Lawmakers Give Smartphone Kill Switches Thumbs Up

Lawmakers in California approved a bill Monday that would mandate "kill switches" on smartphones sold in the state. If the piece of legislation gets Governor Brown's blessing, it would make California the second state to pass such a law.

Apple Diversity Statistics: Latino Representation in Double Digits but CEO Tim Cook 'Not Satisfied'

Apple Inc. released its workplace diversity figures, and for the Latino population, the Cupertino-based company fared better than its rivals.

Siri's Replacement, Viv, May Be a True Artificial Intelligence

Who would have thought the Singularity could happen as a side effect of Siri's difficulty booking a table at a restaurant for the next free night on your schedule. It might, as Apple's next virtual assistant Viv may be able to "teach" itself to perform new tasks, eventually making itself smarter and smarter -- more like the AI depicted in "Her" and less like a simple voice-activated program.

Angry Birds Developers Create New Gaming App 'Best Fiends'

A new game will launch in October, and a website was launched today as two of the former Rovio group create a new game that involves batting away bugs and insects.