
Net Neutrality: FCC Extends Open Internet Comment Period to September 15

The U.S. Federal Communication Commission decided it would continue to accept comments on its Open Internet rules until September 15, which gives the public a little more time to submit their opinion on whether or not the new proposed framework does enough to protect a free and open Internet.

Social Media Saturday: How to Minimize Facebook Messenger, Snapchat Fights for its Right to Video, and Twitter's Tumultuous Week

This week in social media, people are still complaining about the Facebook Messenger app, Snapchat is battling for the right to keep its "tap to hold" video capture feature, and we saw the power and problems of Twitter (and for that matter social media) in the Ferguson shooting and Robin Williams' death.

Legal Phone Unlocking: Here's How to Take Advantage of It

Now that phone unlocking is legal once again, you might be wondering how it affects you, and what exactly you can do now. It's actually quite complicated, so here's a rundown of what's changed, and how you can take advantage of unlocking.

Xbox and Playstation Twitch Accounts Hacked: eSports League Channel Also Compromised by Practical Jokers

Gamescom failure According to Polygon, the Twitch accounts of Xbox and PlayStation were compromised by hackers yesterday. The third party posted unauthorized messages and offensive language to the channel profiles of Xbox, PlayStation, as well as eSports League.

Assassin's Creed Rogue Video Game Trailer: Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Get Single Player Ubisoft Narrative [Video]

Unity prequel Leaks have become the source of news and information about release dates and other stuff regarding movies, TV shows and video games. There has been a leaked trailer for Assassin's Creed Rogue revealing that the video game will hit stores on Nov.

World of Warcraft Adds Robin Williams Character: Fans Petition Blizzard for Well-Loved Actor and Gamer

Blizzard has responded Aside from being a multi-talented actor and a doting father, Robin Williams was an avid gamer, who even named his daughter Zelda after the video game's lead character in The Legend of Zelda.

Google Android and Apple iOS Dominate: Smartphone Market Rejects Windows Phone, Blackberry

All about market share Microsoft might want to dominate the smartphone world, but it continues to slide as Android and Apple's iOS are dominating the smartphone market based on the Q2 2014 data recently released by International Data Corporation (IDC), Apple Insider reported.

Samsung Buys SmartThings, for $200M: Home Technologies Company Acquired by South Korean Smartphone Maker

Are smart homes the future? SmartThings is a smart home startup that was recently acquired by Samsung. The deal was for $200 million, according to Re/code.

Kevin Hart, Dave Franco Battle in New Bizarre Madden 15 Commercial [Watch]

Kevin Hart tries to intimidate Dave Franco. Kevin Hart knows how to get in his competition's head. On Friday, EA Sports released a new commercial starring Kevin Hart and Dave Franco for Madden NFL 15.

iPhone 6 News and Rumors: TMZ's 'Exclusive' Leaked Device Likely an Android Clone

TMZ got excited that it had leaked photos, other websites prove them wrong. TMZ is usually a website for all the latest celebrity and sports news. It often breaks stories first with its research and aggressive photographers.

Galaxy Alpha Release and Specs: Samsung Announces iPhone-Inspired Smartphone

Phone is expected to go on sale in early September Samsung revealed on Thursday its newest Galaxy smartphone, the metal-framed Galaxy Alpha that closely resembles the iPhone 5, according to the Tech Times.

T-Mobile to Iliad: Your Merger Offer Isn't Good Enough

T-Mobile Chief Financial Officer Braxton Carter made it clear the company won't be sold that easily, and that French carrier Iliad's $15 billion offer simply isn't good enough.

Sprint CEO Claure Promises 'Disruptive' Pricing and Cost Cuts

Sprint's new Bolivian Chief Executive Officer, Marcelo Claure, has already shaken things up in his first week, announcing aggressive pricing and cost cuts as a way of strengthening the No. 3 wireless carrier.

Google Nexus 6 Specs Rival the Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One M8

New benchmarks show the Nexus 6 to be on par with Samsung's Galaxy S5 and HTC's One M8 flagship smartphones.

Twitter Suspends Anonymous Account After It Names 'Random Citizen' As Michael Brown's Shooter

It seems Internet vigilantism didn't die after Reddit's Boston bombing-obsessed users pointed its fingers at an innocent student who was later discovered dead. This time it's the hacktivist group Anonymous publically pointing the finger at a person who may or may not have been the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Preorder, Release, and Update: New Xbox One Bundle, More Multiplayer Details Coming

You'll be able to summon a robot after completing a kill streak. Call of Duty Advanced Warfare will be included in an exclusive Xbox One special edition bundle.

So Few Handwritten Anti-Net Neutrality FCC Comments, They Don't Even Show Up in Analysis Infographic

The public response to the Federal Communications Commission's open comment period for its controversial reformulation of its formerly Net Neutrality-friendly Open Internet rules has been huge -- the highest ever for an FCC policy procedure. Now one analysis of the comments shows the vast majority were pro-Net Neutrality. And there were so few unique "anti" comments, they don't even register on the analysis' infographic.

Macbook Pro Retina vs. MacBook Air 2014 Specs, Features, Price and Comparison: Is Apple Ignoring Issues with Flagship Laptop?

The problem affects early 2011 MacBook Pro models and many users have resorted to third-party repair companies.

'Madden 15' Gameplay, Player Rating Rumors, and News: No Demo Version Expected This Time Around

In the past, potential buyers could always give the new Madden NFL video game a try by playing its demo. This year, however, there will be no demo, EA Sports confirmed.

Wii U Game Sales and Updates: Super Smash Bros. Could be Delayed; Classic Games Hit the eShop

Smash Bros. was announced over 1,000 days ago, but no date confirmed Super Smash Bros. for Wii U was first announced over 1,100 days ago, but there is still no confirmed date for its release.