
Relief Aids Americans Are Expected to Receive Until The End of This Year

Millions of Americans are expected to receive coronavirus relief aids until the end of this year as the Senate Republicans plan to renew the push for a new agreement between the two sides.

Who is to Blame for the Failed Stimulus Payment Negotiation?

Trump's administration said that Democrats are not interested to discuss the second round of relief aid or the stimulus payment after a series of negotiations failed last week.
Donald Trump

Trump Weighs Signing Executive Order on Next Stimulus If Congress Fails to Act by Friday

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said President Donald Trump is considering signing an executive order that would unilaterally impose a stimulus plan and include an eviction moratorium and an extension of unemployment benefits if Congress cannot close a deal on the new coronavirus relief bill by Friday.
Donald Trump

Trump Plans to Sign Executive Order for Stimulus Payment if Congress Fails to Act

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he is considering signing an executive order for the immediate implementation of another round of stimulus payment if Congress fails to act.
Florida senator Rick Scott

Florida Sen. Rick Scott Claims 'Democrats Just Wants to Waste Your Money' on Phase 4 CARES Act

There were many arguments surrounding the passage of the phase 4 of the coronavirus relief operations after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the two sides can't agree even on basics.

Democrats and Republicans Agree on the Next Stimulus Payment

Republican and Democrat lawmakers made progress on Saturday during their deliberation on the next stimulus to combat the negative impact of COVID-19.
Spending package

House Approves $1.3T Spending Package With $210B Emergency Money

The House approved on Friday the six-bill bundle spending package worth $1.3 trillion, including $210 billion for emergency funding of federal agencies in fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

Many Americans Find it Inappropriate for Either Democrats or Republicans to Dispute US Election Result

Most Americans say that disputing the outcome of the November 2020 US Election would be inappropriate for either the Republicans or Democrats, a report said.
Two tax breaks for undocumented families are included in the latest budget plan of the Democrats in Sacramento which also includes health coverage for older immigrants no matter what their immigration status is.

Should Undocumented Families be Given Tax Breaks? Here’s What Latino Leaders Say

Two tax incentives for undocumented families are included in the Democrats' latest budget plan in Sacramento. Also part of the proposed budget is health coverage for older immigrants regardless of immigration status.

Democrats Press ICE on Allegedly Pursuing Family Separations in Detention Centers

House Democrats wrote the Trump administration this week, expressing their concern about reports that ICE or Immigration and Customs Enforcement "has been pursuing family separations at detention centers."

Rose McGowan Outraged; Calls Democrats and Media a ‘Cult’

Growing up, Rose McGowan saw Democrats as the good guys. However, due to a recent resurfacing of a decade's old incident, she now sees them as the bad guys. Read on to find out about what fueled her anger towards Democrats and the mainstream media.

Amid Coronavirus, Democrats Eye a Chance for Political Gain

Democrat senators who had been eyeing the chance for a historic government expansion despite the current coronavirus pandemic receive criticism from their conservative counterparts.
Two Texas Latina Representatives cast their votes to impeach Trump.

Texas Reps. Make History as First Latinas to Vote on Impeachment

Two Texas Latina Representatives cast their votes to impeach Trump. (Photo : Reuters) Donald Trump's impeachment is very historical for the two Texas Latinas in congress as they cast their votes supporting the articles of impeachment filed against the President of the United States.
Latino voters crucial for Democrats

Latino Voters Still a Tough Code to Crack for Democrats

Democrat bets need to know how to gain the trust and support of Latino voters if they want to succeed in the 2020 elections.
Democratic Debate: May the Best Candidate Win

Democratic Debate: May the Best Candidate Win

The US Democratic Debate was held in the US. The Democrats had contributed to the happening of the impeachment hearing towards the current President of the United States of America Donald Trump.
Democrats Win in Virginia for the First Time in more than Two Decades

Democrats Take Over Virginia For the First Time in More Than Two Decades

After more than two decades, Republicans ended their rule in Virginia as Democrats take over in the recent election.
Republicans Should be "Scared" After Democrats Take Over Delaware Election

Republicans Should be "Scared" After Democrats Take Over Delaware Election

Republicans showing signs of slowing down while Democrats are showing strength after the recent Delaware election.

Democrats in Congress: War with Pres Donald Trump goes Full Swing

Democrats in Congress has come out with both fist swinging. In an act of war, they are trying to derail the locomotive of this administration. More details about it here.

Democrats Introduce Bills to Alleviate Debt Crisis in Puerto Rico

Democrats introduced two bills on Monday meant to extend Puerto Rico more powers to get rid of some of its $72 billion debt.

Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders Talk Gun Control, Trade & Other Pressing Issues Instead of GOP Candidates

The Democrats just held their latest debate in Flint, Michigan, and as one might have guessed, it wasn't exactly cordial. There may have been some fleeting moments during the debate where Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders shared the same views, but the two were at odds for the most part.

President Barack Obama Might Bring Guantanamo Bay Prisoners to the U.S.

President Barack Obama wants to transfer the remaining 91 prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay jail to the United States in a bid to end the highly-controversial existence of the detention facility.