In a deal for network television's number one show, NBC Universo and AMC have come to terms for adding "The Walking Dead" to the NBC Universo prime time package. See the details here.
The last three episodes of General Hospital this week are expected to be filled with emotion and interesting turn of events based on the recent spoilers that surfaced online.
In the upcoming episode of “Once Upon a Time,” Emma (Jennifer Morrison), who has taken a turn to the dark side, tries to enlist the aid of the typically timid Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) to help draw out Excalibur from the stone
"WWE SmackDown" wrapped up its latest tapings, and final show before Sunday's "Hell in a Cell," and the broadcast featured the main roster debut of an NXT veteran.
Fans of the History Channel's top-rated drama "Vikings" are eagerly awaiting the show's fourth season, which is set to premiere early next year. Rumors about how the storyline of the historical drama might progress are making their rounds in blogs and online fora.
Zooey Deschanel recently revealed what she and husband Jacob Pechenik named their new daughter. Zooey Deschanel revealed on Monday that she and husband Jacob Pechenik named their new daughter Elsie Otter.
Damon will force Bonnie and Alaric to travel with him on a road trip to Myrtle Beach in order to stop Lily in Thursday night's all-new episode of "The Vampire Diaries"
Season 2 of "Madam Secretary" has been finding so many different angles to play that it is sometimes hard to keep up. See the details and watch the preview for the next episode here.
It is now season 3 of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" and they are back at it for another Halloween heist that will no doubt leave fans rolling with laughter after the show ends. Watch the preview here.
Peyton came back on the "Real Dead Housewife of Seattle" episode of "iZombie" this season two, and there's hope that she and Liv will be BFFs again. However, Major is losing himself to his new mission and utopium.
Veteran actress Betty White will spice things at the Jeffersonian Institution when she makes a guest appearance on Thursday's all-new episode of "Bones."
TV series "The Whispers," which graced the small screen in June for one season is, unfortunately, coming to a close. The show's network, ABC, and even the show's actors confirmed the cancelation of its second season despite what some fans may have hoped.
BBC's hit series 'Sherlock' won't officially return until spring 2017, but the upcoming Victorian-era special episode will be available to fans much sooner. However, PBS hasn't stated exactly when that will be. According to reports, the much-anticipated "Sherlock" special will air during PBS' early 2016 lineup.