In the most recent episode of "The Walking Dead," titled "JSS," the looming threat to the Alexandria safe zone came full circle with the arrival of the Wolves at the town's front (and back) door. See the details and watch a sneak peek for next week's Episode 3 here.
The next episode of "Blue Bloods" will put Danny right back in the action by helping track down two escaped convicts, but on of them was a man he helped wrongly imprison. Watch the preview here.
A coalition of Latino advocacy groups wants NBC to disinvite Donald Trump from the network's long-running "Saturday Night Live" late-night program, where the GOP presidential front-runner is set to appear on Nov. 7.
After all the harrowing suspense of the last episode with a wealthy recluse on "Hawaii Five-O," the team must now face new odds when taking on a stunt biker gang in the next episode. Watch the preview here.
In the upcoming episode of “The Blacklist,” fans will be introduced to a seductive and terrifying blacklister called “the Djinn,” a woman whose specialty is executing the revenge fantasies of her clients.
Bureau of Prisons officials are considering prohibiting Teresa Giudice from filming episodes of the "Real Housewives of New Jersey" for several months after she is released from custody.
Peyton is back on the third episode of "iZombie" this season two. Will Peyton and Ravi rekindle their romance? Expect a dazzling zombie on the show on Tuesday as Liv gets influenced by a stylish housewife's brains.
Chris Martin and Annabelle Wallis flaunt their relationship with a kiss on the sidewalk in Paris. Chris Martin has certainly moved on from his split with "The Hunger Games" star Jennifer Lawrence in August.
This week on "Days of Our Lives" spoilers, be prepared to be emotionally charged with your reactions as the show will feature some losses, more suspicions, episodic surprises and suspense.
Ola Jordan strips naked and goes topless for her sexy and daring 2016 calendar photo shoot. "Strictly Come Dancing" star Ola Jordan sizzles in her most daring photo shoot for her 2016 calendar.
With less time to spare for the upcoming Marvel movie "Gambit" lead star Channing Tatum is putting his trust on "Edge of Tomorrow" and "Bourne Identity" director Doug Liman to direct the film.
After a long hiatus from the spotlight and an even longer hiatus from his late night comedy show, comedian Tracy Morgan made his return to Saturday Night Live last night in good form.