The "Mad Men" series will air its final episode this Sunday on AMC. The long running hit AMC show "Mad Men" will come to its grand finale this Sunday, May 17, with Episode 14 of Season 7, titled "Person to Person.
As production for the third installment of the "Captain America" film begins in Atlanta, rumors regarding a surprise twist in the movie's plot have surfaced online.
Freddie Gray's family and Michael Brown's mother met with the hip hop stars during Prince's peace concert held at the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, Maryland on May 10, 2015.
New York Yankees pitcher Masahiro Tanaka is nearing full recovery as team executives confirmed their ace will ramp up his rehabilitation in the next several days
The NFL suspended Super Bowl 2015 MVP Tom Brady, over the "Deflategate" incident. The NFL has suspended Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady with no pay for the first four games of the upcoming season over "Deflategate," reports ESPN.
Ever since FIFA 16 was confirmed, fans of the soccer simulation game have been eager to see what's next for the series. The EA game has yet to hit the market and fans are already lining up to pre-order the title.
When Assassin's Creed Unity was revealed in 2014, many fans of the video game were disappointed that no female character was made available to the players.
A new report published by The Baltimore Sun reveals that over 2,500 people arrested by Baltimore police within the last three years have been turned away from the city's jail because they were suffering from severe injuries.
A Florida high school principal was arrested last week after police caught her smoking marijuana in the back seat of a car with an 18-year-old student.
Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are hoping to quickly take advantage of the rapprochement between the United States and Cuba and take their technology to "the island's Internet-hungry populace."
In a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter, “Pitch Perfect 2” actress and comedian Rebel Wilson revealed her desire to play Bette Midler in a biopic someday.
In a precautionary move designed to assist authorities in Honduras in case of a hurricane disaster, the U.S. Marines have been scheduled to deploy to the Central American republic.
A corruption scandal in Guatemala that already cost the country's vice president her job is drawing even wider circles as the name of a sitting Supreme Court justice is mentioned in a wiretapped backdoor negotiation.