In Thursday night's all-new episode of "Bones," the Jeffersonian team celebrates Thanksgiving together, while taking on a case involving the murder of a high-powered political journalist.
The Salvatore brothers will try to turn their mother against her longtime lover and convince her to help them kill him in Thursday's all-new episode of "The Vampire Diaries."
"Arrow" fans can look forward to another exciting episode on Wednesday as John Diggle (David Ramsey) will discover that his brother is alive and under the control of Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough).
Blaine finds a partner in Liv to solve a mystery that is bugging him. "Abra Cadaver," the seventh episode of "iZombie" Season 2 has done the imaginable, which is for Liv and Blaine to team up.
Fans of "The Walking Dead" were re-energized with hope last Sunday when they got to see Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) again for the first time in three episodes. But that is not the only thing that gave them hope. At the end of episode, Daryl received a distress call over the walkie talkie that many thought was Glenn Rhee (Steven Yeun), who was thought to be dead. See what Reedus had to say about that here.
The next episode of "Madam Secretary" will see Elizabeth McCord navigating the ruffled domestic waters following an escalation in tensions with Russia. See the details and watch the preview here.
As promised by last week's spoilers, "General Hospital" featured the revelation of Jason Morgan's real identity. The upcoming episodes from Nov. 18 to Nov. 20 reveal that Jason will be in a bold adventure to find out more about himself after suffering from amnesia.
It has been well established that the "Late Night" shows mainly circulate on making people laugh in nationwide and worldwide issues including politics and other matters, but for last Friday's Paris attacks, hosts Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon and John Oliver simmer down on comedy and sympathize with the people in Paris.
The series will be returning for Season 2 in January. The official premiere date for Season 2 of ABC's "Agent Carter" has been announced and the first official photo has been released.
A new animated comedy is coming to Netflix that is sure to please mature audiences with tons of laughter. "F is for Family" comes from the headlining comedy of Bill Burr and based on the nature of the newly released trailer, it is specifically for mature audiences only. Watch the trailer here.
With all the headlines circulating lately about numerous allegations of rape against Bill Cosby, an episode of the hit Fox animated comedy series "Family Guy" featured a new take on the intro for "The Cosby Show." Watch the video here.
Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and Amy (Mayim Bialik) will spend Thanksgiving together in an attempt to become friends, while other members of the geeky gang will volunteer for charity in Thursday's episode of "The Big Bang Theory."
In the next episode of "Criminal Minds," the BAU continues to track down the Dirty Dozen, taking on a case to find an UnSub who tortures his victims through sleep deprivation.
"Many Heads One Tale" episode of "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." will know more about the ATCU. The episode will also finally change everything between Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons.
Major is having a hard time dating Liv, a zombie. Will he eventually give up on Liv? The seventh episode for "iZombie" Season 2 titled "Abra Cadaver" will focus on Major's challenges in dating Liv, a zombie.